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Shadow's POV

"Now what do we do? We have no resources and no plan of action! We are falling apart! What if Eggman wins?!?" Amy commented to me and the others.

"I don't know what we need to do! We don't have Sonic with us so just battling him head-on isn't an option! I also agree with Amy... This team is falling apart little by little and we have done nothing about it! We need to fix this before it gets any worse! Eggman knows that the team is in a struggle right now and he can use it to his advantage!" Silver yelled frustrated.

"You know this never happened when Fak- I mean when Sonic was around... He could fix anything with just a few words or just a small smile," I stated and they all stared at me surprised.

"Shadow's right... This never happened when Sonic was around... He always knew how to make things right," Blaze said and we nodded.

"That's why Knuckles left in the first place... This team isn't like how it was before... Things have changed and not for the better," Amy peeped in her annoying voice.

"This is why you guys shouldn't have said a single word to about your hurtful thoughts about him! We need him and you all know it! But no! You had to go and make him sad and break our friendship with him! You should all feel ashamed! We lost the best person in our lives and it's all your fault!" Rouge yelled and stormed out of the room.

It has been a good long three weeks after we told Sonic. This team had started falling apart three days after he left us. This quarrel has gone on for a long while. He had been missing and no one has seen him since. Most of us are worried and some of us had expected the fact.

To our surprise, Amy was the first to realize that Sonic might never come back to us. So she gave up on the blue hedgehog forever! After the first week of Sonic missing, I guess she just moved on. 

"We all just need to move on! I did and look how I turned out?" Amy said all proud of herself.

"Amy all you turned out to be is a Stupid Ass Bitch! None of us want to be like you," I stated and everyone nodded in agreement.

 I know moving on would get rid of one of our problems. Sonic missing... that was the least of our worries right now. Eggman now has four of the Chaos Emeralds including the one that once belonged to us. 

We have to find a way to get it back and fast or who knows what will happen? We didn't know what Egg man was planning but all I know is that he wants to destroy all of us. 

"We found where Eggman is going to strike next... We're going to put an end to this with or without Sonic," Tails said sadly walking into the room with his laptop.

Tails were one of the worried souls. He didn't enjoy it being so quiet and Sonic not being around. It was like a part of him was missing. The fox hasn't been inventing much and hasn't been smiling often. He's still a kid for goodness sake! 

"We can plan a sneak attack... We all hide in different places then take the robot on from different angles. There is only one robot so it should be swift and easy. I have already called Knuckles and he said that he is on his way," Tails told us and we all nodded.

"I'm here! Not let's go kick some robot butt!!!" I heard Knuckles yell as he busted through the door.

"That was my door!" Tails yelled as the front door was turned into splinters.

"I'll pay for it later! Now come on! You can fill me in on the way," Knuckles said and we all followed him out the door.

Amy, Knuckles, and Rouge flew after Tails who was in his plane. Silver was using his telekinesis to float him and Blaze next to me as I ran. I couldn't see my friends that were flying. But I had a map with me so I could find the spot.

The Fallen HeroOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora