Finding you here

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Shadow's POV

Laying there on the ground was Sonic. His fur was no longer shiny and bright. It was dusty and dull with no like what so ever. The atmosphere around us had a sad and painful sensitivity to it. He had scars on his body and his ribs were barley pocking showing through his skin.

"Hurry up so we can get him out of this dump," Super ordered me and I nodded.

I slowly walked over to the blue hedgehog. Approaching the sleeping hedgehog before me I kneeled down. I was about to pick him up in my arms... But I hesitated. What if I hurt him? What if I make things even worse?

"Sonic won't wake up when you lift him... He is a pretty deep sleeper and he hasn't slept in about three days. Now hurry up," Super repeated and I finally touched Sonic.

Sonic winced in pain and I pulled my hand back. I turned to look at Super and even he looked concerned. Super went up to Sonic and disappeared by phasing into the blue hedgehog. After a few seconds, he came out of Sonic's body with a worried look on his face. He was soon taking his place floating beside me.

"He is very sick... We need to get him back right now. After I teleport you back to your friends with Sonic in your arms I will be gone. But remember I'm always watching and if you do anything to hurt Sonic I will not hesitate to fight back," Super said as tried to he pushed me towards Sonic's limp body but he phazed through my body instead.

"Looks like you can't even touch me in the state your in," I said as I turned around to face him.

Super growled and started to glow even brighter than before. I soon started to back away with caution not knowing what he was going to do. Soon he was just standing there bright light shining from him. 

He walked up to me and with every step he took I took one in the opposite direction. I was soon backed against the wall and I didn't like being pinned. I tried to run but was punched in the face... Hard.

"Never try me Shadow The Hedgehog," Super told me as his light started to fade and he was glowing at his normal brightness.

He signaled me to go towards Sonic and try to pick his up once again. I finally pick Sonic up in my arms. I pulled him close and didn't let him go. Super put his ghost-like hand on my shoulder and teleported us back. 

It was just like he had said it would happen. I was back in the living room where I left. All of Sonic and my friends were covering their eyes from the light. Sonic was still in my arms and Super was nowhere to be seen.

But the thought of Super always watching made the hair on my back stand on end. I didn't like being spied on or the feeling like I'm being watched. I don't know why but it makes me feel vulnerable and really uncomfortable.

"Sonic!!!" I heard Tails yell and he ran up to me to check on his brother who was still asleep.

"What do you think Tails? Super said he was sick but he didn't tell me how bad it is," I told the small fox and he looked up at me then back at Sonic.

"He needs to be put to bed right now. He is really sick and it could get worse if not treated now," Tails said and I nodded.

"Where is his room?" I asked Tails as he was about to leave me.

"Go up those stairs and it's the third door to the right. It's painted azure blue so you can't miss it! Also, only Shadow is allowed to go to Sonic right now... We don't want his condition to get worse," Tails said and everyone nodded and I started to head for the stairs.

I slowly walked up the stairs not wanting to drop the sleeping hedgehog in my arms. When I got to the top I looked around and then started to walk again. I passed a light orange door that I was guessing Tails' room. Soon I came to an azure door just like Tails has described.

I slowly opened the door as I balanced Sonic in one arm. He wasn't eaten much because he was as light as a feather. I slowly shut the door behind me and walked across the room. 

There were pictures of everyone on the wall. There were also cool souvenirs from some adventures Sonic has gone on. Somethings looked weird and confusing and others I remember him grabbing them.

I slowly set Sonic down on the bed. I covered him up in the dark blue blankets and slowly let his headland on the pillow. He was soon in a comfortable position and looked so calm and peaceful.

I sat on the edge of the bed and pulled out my phone. I didn't pay attention to anything else while I scrolled through my device. But soon I heard someone moving around next to me.

"W-What happened? Tikal? Super? Where are you guys?" Someone asked in a weak voice.

"Who is Tikal?" I asked him and he quickly wiped around to see me sitting on the side of the bed.

I looked over to see Sonic slowly opening his eyes. His eyes looked dull and lifeless compared to their usual shiny emerald form. It was like they were iced over. He looked sad and lonely even when he didn't mean to.

"Super asked us for help and we brought you here," I told him and he was about to sit up but I pushed him down.

"What is this all about?!? First, you hate me and now you're taking care of me? Choose one or the other! GOD DAMN IT!" He yelled as he slapped my hand away and sat up completely wincing as he did.

"How much have you eaten Sonic?" I asked the blue hedgehog with concern.

"Why do you want to know? Why do you even care? You just the same as everyone else," Sonic snapped back at me with a venomous tone.

"Just answer the question Sonic," I said and Sonic let out a huff of annoyance but soon gave in.

"I've been living on the streets... I have not eaten in about four days? I don't even know. Well, thanks for the hospitality but I have to go now so I'll see you guys never," Sonic told us with a shrug and started to get out of the bed.

"Nope, you're staying in this bed until we get you something to eat," I told him and made him lie down once again.

I pulled out my phone and texted the others who were still downstairs. I told them that Sonic needed food and quickly. I soon heard more shuffling and then silence. I looked over to see Sonic sleeping once again.

'Things will get better with time... I promise you Sonic the Hedgehog...'

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