Chapter 24: Highs and Lows

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You know what's harder than raising a kid? Raising two of them. It's like when one finishes crying, the other one starts at times. When one is asleep, the other is awake. It can be tiresome and hard to keep sanity. Fortunately, you have someone helping you with both the kids and maintaining your sanity (for the most part).

Angela, even though it looked like she shared a bit of your tiredness and maybe even losing the sanity, seemed to power on through. Those nights she got a lack of sleep in the past probably helped her for what was happening currently. You two were a good team tending Sarah and Jacob.

Your parents were a big help with advice and such. They'd come over from time to time to help assist you two in taking care of the children and tell you what to do if a situation called for it. You didn't know what you'd be doing if it weren't for them. Plus Torbjorn and Ingrid were emailing you with advice. A lot of help was coming to you and Angela, and you couldn't be more thankful.

You're sitting on the couch feeding Sarah as Jacob sleeps in his crib. Angela is resting her head on your shoulder, exhausted. Her eyes were closed as she was just resting. You look at her and kiss the top of her head.

"I've had my fair share of hard work, but raising kids? That's another story." Angela says.

"Agreed." You say then put your attention back to Sarah.

You take the bottle out of her mouth and she babbles. Her blue eyes stare back at you, and her smile is adorable. You make a funny face and she laughs. Angela opens her eyes and says something in German, but in that voice people use when talking to babies.

"Overall, how would you rate being a parent." You ask.

"I love it. Chaotic, yes. Stressful, yes. But it's rewarding in a way. Besides, sooner or later it'll be easier on us." She says.

"I suppose so." Sarah then begins to fall asleep. "Looks like she's sleeping now." You say before placing her into her crib carefully.

You sigh when you sit back down on the couch. You put an arm around Angela and she pecks your cheek. You're about to say something but then Angela puts a finger to your lips.

"Hear that?" She whispers.

You're quiet for a second and then look back at her. "Total silence." You whisper back.

Angela nods and quietly gets up from the couch. You follow suit as you both quietly tiptoe out of the room. You get out and quietly close the door, leaving it a crack open. You quietly go to your bedroom and run onto the bed before jumping into it spread eagle and laying on it.

"They're asleep." You say as your wife plops down next to you.

"Ja. Finally." Angela says.

"I'm exhausted. What time is it?"

"It's about 11:30 at night."

You sigh a bit contently turning yourself over. "For once we have a bit of time to ourselves."

"Indeed we do." You look into each other's eyes. "You know, I have an idea what we can do."

"Oh really?"

"Ja. It's a partner activity."

"Does it require using one's lips and start with 'making' and end with 'out'?"

"You are correct. I'm lucky to have married such a smart man."

"You are quite fortunate yes."

You both smile and quickly kiss. You kiss again and soon the kisses become longer and more adventurous. She moves on top of you as you make out. You close your eyes enjoying the sensation. At least until it's interrupted by crying from the baby monitor (Angela's idea to get one). You stop and sigh, followed by a small laughed shared by the two of you.

Mercy x Reader: Your Guardian AngelNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ