Chapter One: Summer Ends

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  Once again, a great summer was coming to an end. The endless partying and the late curfew had to be put on mute.

Jasmine was ready to get the year over with. All she wanted was to grab her diploma and head off to University. The small town, arville, had nothing else to offer her and everyone knew that. She wasn't in to any guys and vice versa.

As the last few days dragged along, Jasmine Best friend, viola, would drop by and they'd discuss the clubs they were going to do this year.
"Come on Jazz. It's senior year. The year to let go, be free. maybe you should find a guy and..."viola wiggled her eyebrows.

"Eww, V. I have to stay focus. I can't allow a guy or anything else to distract me from my goal."

"Yeah yeah. I gotta get in to Harvard, she says. I have to be a prude she says. i'm.."

" Viola, stop mocking me." The girls spent the evening choosing their outfits for the next day. School was finally about to start and in just a few months they would be highschool graduates.

"I have to head home Jazz. You know my mom doesn't like it when I stay out on school nights, but I'll see you tomorrow." Viola walked out the door, leaving Jasmine by herself.

Her parents were never home because their jobs required them to travel. Jasmine didn't mind but it gets lonely. That's why she first started throwing herself into school, to stay occupied.

Jasmine stared at the ceiling until she drifted off and before she knew it, the night slowly disappeared. As the sun came back up. Jasmine's six o'clock alarm went off, waking her . She slid her petite body off the bed after attempting to turn her alarm off. "Fuck" she cursed after hitting her head on the floor.
Jasmine eyes were barely open as she dragged herself to the shower. "Why am I like this?" She turned the water closer to the hot side and stood there as the warm droplets hit her very sensitive skin.
"One more year." She constantly says. After cleaning every inch of her body, she threw the on a navy blue romper and headed out the door. A few minutes later she arrived to the place known as the "hell hole" At the time, only a few kids were walking into the large two story building. Jasmine pulled out her phone hoping that viola texted notifying her on her arrival. Sadly, Viola had yet to text Jasmine which meant she'd have to go get her schedule by herself. The schedule looked almost the same as last year. There were different classes but the same teachers. Well, all except one. A. Scwindich it read. "who the hell is schwindich?" she wondered as she stared down at her schedule.

"Jasmine!" Viola called from behind Jasmine. Jasmine whipped her head around so fast she could have received whiplash. " I told you to wait until I got here to get your schedule." V whined sound like an upset toddler.

"You took to long. Class starts in five minutes and I refuse to be late." Viola rolled her eyes before pushing Jasmine aside so she could receive her schedule. The girls compared their schedules. "I can't believe we only have one class together." "Miss gallagers. " The two said in disgust.

"Wait, who is Mr. Schwindich? His name sounds like a disease in a third world country" Viola said earning a giggle from Jasmine. Viola and Jasmine heard someone behind them clear their throat before saying. "I'm Mr. Sq-en-ditch" as they were pronouncing it ch-in-dish.


This is my first book on this account and if you guys could let me know how I am doing that would be great. The chapters will become longer in future chapters. I just really wanted to get this book out. I will upload a chapter every Sunday at 2pm. Please remember to vote and comment. Alright until next time



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