Chapter Three: T.A

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"Alright class, We're going to start introductions. When it is your turn, I'd like for you to state your name, age, and favorite color. Who wants to start? " Every girl but Jasmine immediately raised their hand. The few guys in the class sat quietly, they couldn't care less about the stupid introduction. "How about you?" He asked directing his attention to Jasmine. "Come on Mr. Schwindich she didn't even raise her hand," Heather whined.  Jasmine looked around the room to see everyone staring at her. She wasn't shy,just refuse to let a teacher looks influence her to participate in such a silly game. Although, every time she looked in his direction she felt a weird sensation in her stomach. Damn it pull yourself together , she thought. "Well we're waiting." Adam  Voiced out loud. Jasmine released a breath before saying, " My name is Jasmine Hill. I am seventeen and my favorite color is dark red." Adam played a slight smirk on his lips. "It's nice to meet you Miss Hill. He turned to the next student and continued. Heather and her friends just had to be inappropriate. "I'm eighteen sir. so it's legal." Adam decided to ignore the girls because he had no idea   how to handle the situation. He would never date a student. Whether it is legal or not his job would still be at stake. When the entire class had answered the three questions his two fairly large hands collided. "As you know, I'm Adam Schwindich. I am 22 years old and my favorite color is Burgundy." He said bouncing his attention between Jasmine and the wall" "Do you have a girlfriend?" One of Heather's friends asked. Adam sighed in annoyance  "If one more of you girls make another inappropriate remark. I will write you up and send you to the office." Jasmine thought his statement was funny considering the comment he made earlier that morning. "I'm sorry Mr. Schwindich" Heather moaned loud enough for her peers to hear.  Jasmine was tired of hearing these girls fan girl over him. Only because her herself wanted to admit that she was attracted to him. He was so young but older. Jasmine began to slip off to fantasy land. She thought about his hands  rubbing up and down her body. How it would feel if he pressed those lips against hers. 'Whoa Come back to earth" The bell snapped her out of those naughty thoughts. She scolded herself. Jasmine was inexperience when came to sex but somehow she had the need, the want to have Adam Schwindich in that way. "Miss. Hill may I have a word." Adam called out as she was exiting the classroom. Jasmine slowly turned around as she took deep breaths. She felt a pulse between her thighs which caused her to squeeze her legs together. "Yes, Mr. Schwindich." She said with a smile, not wanting him to know the things she felt for him. "It is to my knowledge that this is your free period." It became a  easier for Jasmine to ignore the feeling she had in her lower area. "Yes, sir. it is"She said skeptically. "It is also to my understanding that made arrangements to be Mr.Clark's teacher assistant." Jasmine licked her lips dangerously slow and nodded, causing Adam to rush behind his podium. He was thankful she hadn't noticed what she did to him. Adam cleared his throat. "Well since I am replacing Mr. Clark you will be my teacher assistant." His voice came out raspy. "Sit right here so I can explain what I'll have you do."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2018 ⏰

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