Chapter Two: Mr.Schwinfich

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 Mr. Schwindich had to be the most beautiful man created. His dark brown hair looked almost black and landed mid neck. It was quite possible that his blue eyes couldn't be compared to the deep blue sea. Simply, because they held something that the ocean couldn't touch. Jasmine began soaking this man in starting from his hair, to his eyes. She skipped right past his slightly pointed nose and landed on his thin pink lips, which held a smirk. "I am so sorry. I didn't mean to insult your name ." viola said frantically not wanting to upset the beauty in front of her.

Jasmine ,still lost for words, was staring at his perfect bone structure. As she admired his facial features, Viola pinched her knocking her back to reality. Jasmine quickly moved her focus from his face to his eyes only to see that he was staring at her. Jasmines' russet skin reddened from embarrassment as her forensic teacher stood there with a smirk still plastered on his face. He turned his attention to Viola. "Go to class before I have to write you up for being disrespectful." He said adding a fake smile. Viola looked at jasmine muttering, "I'll see you later." before scurrying off.

Jasmine began walking to her first class before Mr.Schwindich called out to her. "Wait!" She turned around praying that her cheeks would stop burning. "Next time, take a picture." He smirked. "It'll last longer." The moment she bulged her eyes, he knew he was under her skin. "You can go now." Schwindich said with a little wave. Jasmine made it to her first class seconds before the bell alarmed the student body. Mrs.Johnson, her English teacher, began to pass out a syllabus.

"English one o one is heavily based on writing papers." Mrs. Johnson said right before Jasmine zoned out. Her mind was occupied with the thought of the seemingly arrogant Mr. Schwindich. For some strange reason she had the urge to talk to him. to get to know him. Although, she seemed to stay grounded, reminding herself that he is a teacher, she couldn't help but to think...What If? Throughout class she seemed to jump in and out of reality. Soon enough the bell rung and she headed towards the class she had with her best friend Viola. "Jasmine! Over here" she slightly yelled . In front of Viola sat Scott, Jasmines closest guy friend. "Hey, V. Hey,Scott"

"Hey. Sweet cheeks" . He's been crushing on Jasmine since freshmen year. However, he constantly has girls throwing themselves at him. Jasmine landed a seat beside Viola before she started talking about the oh so handsome Mr. Schwhindich. "We have very important matters to discuss." Jasmine looked at Viola with a confused expression. "Mr. Schwindich. Come on Jazz, get on the bus. Is he hot or what?" Jasmine refused to admit she'd take a liking to him out loud. "No V, he's rude. How can you think of him as attractive when he spoke to you like that.?" Viola laughed. "Because his authoritativeness did nothing but make me wet my pants. Why do you think I ran away so quickly?" "I bet I can make your pants wet." Scott said to V with a wink.

"Gross Scott." The girls said in unison. Scott rolled his eyes. Soon the school slut Heather came to capture Scott's attention. "Hey, Scott." She said sensually twirling her bright blonde hair between her fingers. Heather bent over the desk to showcase her new boobs. What kind of mother allows their daughter to get a boob job? Jazz and Viola looked at each other in disgust as Scott entertain Heather. "Anyway. You're so lucky you have Schwindich. Everyday you have a full hour to look at that gorgeous man." Once again Viola fanned herself.

" I am not talking about this." Jazz breathed out and luck was on her side. Miss Gallagher had stepped in and demanded everyone's attention. Miss Gallagher was the most disliked teacher. She called people out for no reason, gave detentions like they were the source of her happiness , and many more things to make the student body hate her. The students watched as she climbed on a step stool, attempting to make up for her height. Miss Gallagher began to take roll finishing within five minutes. "History is the most important subject you will ever take." She starts with something people may call a false statement.

"I wish we had a different history teacher." V whispered into Jasmines' ear. " Me too." She nodded.

"Miss Johnson and Miss Hill it seems as if I am interrupting your socializing time."

"No Miss Gallagher. We're sorry." Jasmine said in a panic. She can't afford a detention. It may go on her record and be the reason she can't attend Harvard University. "Don't let it happen again, or you will both land a spot in detention." She said before continuing her lesson on syllabus. The bell finally rung and everyone quickly exited out of the AP government class. Two hours later Jasmine and Viola found themselves in the cafeteria. They use to sit with Scott before he started gaining almost every girl in the school attention. "Sooooo what period do you have Mr. Hottie?"

"Is that what you're calling him now?" Jasmine asked annoyed. "Lighten up Jazz. It's senior year." "I know that it's senior year. I have to continue to make my high grades. I can't focus on how attractive a teacher is or how much I dislike Miss. Gallagher. " Viola face slowly lifted into a grin. "So you do think he is attractive." " Oh my God V. I cant with you." She said shaking her head in belief.

"Look, entertain me for five minutes and I will drop the subject." V tried to bargain. "Forever?" "Forever." Viola agreed. "Fine, He is pretty cute and I have him next period." Viola did a little shake. "I don't how you're going to focus in that class" 'Me neither' Jasmine thought.

Mr. Schwindich arrived to class a few minutes which gave girls plenty of time to talk about what they have heard about him. "Hello class, My name is Mr. Adam Schwindich. It is Pronounced sq-en-ditch." He said as he wrote on the bored. "Today we're going to go over the syllabus and get to know each other. "I would love to get to know you." Heather said making the girls around her giggled. Jasmine pretended not to be phased by his looks as she sat in the front row quiet as a mouse. If Mr. Schwindich heard the inappropriate comment, he ignored it. "Alright let's start with the roll." he said before he began calling out names. As he called the students names he would look up to match a face with it. "Jasmine Hill." "Here." She slightly rose her hand. When he spotted her, he lips slightly lifted up revealing little emotion before continuing on. "Heather Park" "I'm here sir. Jasmine rolled her eyes in annoyance. 


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