Chapter Four

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I waited quietly, silence filling the room while I awaited any sign of that all too familiar voice in my head.

"Well... I don't think now is the time to talk about that... Unless you wanna look crazier than usual..." The voice hummed, a faint purr evident in the childlike voice.

I frowned, only to gasp and allow my body to tense when a knock emanated from the front door. I pressed a hand to my chest and shakily made my way to the door, placing my palm against the doorknob once I arrived to it, "Dammit..." I sighed quietly and pulled the door open.

There in the doorway stood a younger friend of mine. "Christina?" I asked, tilting my head at the short haired teenager. She smiled up at me, placing her hand against the wall of my house and leaning on it, her green eyes peering past me to look at the interior of the home.

"Yeah hey, so, i'm popping in... Y'know... Mom and dad are fighting again and I don't wanna deal with it today." She explained, her smile faltering for a moment before quickly returning. I frowned, furrowing my brows and taking a step back, "Come on in." I stated, holding the door open for the young girl as she stepped inside.

She let out a breathless huff and skipped to the living room, plopping onto the couch soon after. "Why are they fighting again?" I asked, following her into the room and taking a seat beside her.

"Stupid shit." Christina responded bluntly, closing her eyes and leaning back against the couch cushion. I bit my bottom lip, "What kind of stupid shit?" I continued. I needed answers if I planned on comforting her, because I could clearly tell she was upset.

"The kind of stupid shit that's stupid, Y/n." She grumbled, glancing at me with furrowed brows. Clearly, she wasn't in much of a mood to delve into the backstory of her parents current fight, so I didn't press her to talk.

I grunted, pushing myself to my feet and clapping my hands together, "Well! Now that you're free for a little bit, do you want something to eat? You wanna watch a movie or something?" I asked, tilting my head at her and smiling with a hint of reassurance.

Christina stared up at me for a moment, her eyes wide with wonder, as if she were surprised by my attempt to be hospitable. She took another moment before slowly nodding and sitting up, "Yeah... Yeah a movie would be nice- get my mind off of stuff, y'know?" She shrugged, forcing a crooked smile onto her freckled face, possibly feeling bad for having a bit of an attitude just a moment ago.

I nodded, clasping my hands together and looking around the living room, "Anything you have in mind?" I asked, making my way over the my shelf of movies, allowing my e/c eyes to skim over the many different titles and genres that lined the shelves.

I peered over my shoulder, awaiting Christina's response. The girl tilted her head, standing up and ambling over to stand beside me, her eyes copying mine by reading over the scattered collection of movies. She stood back and thought for a moment, "You got Scream?" She asked, looking over the shelf to make sure hadn't missed any movies.

I pursed my lips and made my way to the shelf that sat on the other side of the TV, I looked it over and and slipped one of the movies into my grasp, spinning around to face Christina. I held up the case to the film and grinned, "You wanna watch this?" I questioned.

The teenager smiled gratefully, "Mom and dad don't want me watching scary movies. They say i'll get too scared and won't sleep after. But i'm not a kid, so like... Fuck it, let's watch the movie!" She exclaimed, clapping with excitement before bounding towards the couch and throwing her body onto the cushions.

I giggled softly, admiring how happy my young friend could become just after being put in a bad mood by her neglectful parents. I sighed, making my way to the television and setting up the movie. "So you've never seen Scream, right?" I asked curiously, taking a step away from the screen when the movie began.

Christina nodded, "I've never seen a single horror movie in my life. I've heard of them and people tell me about them but like- it's not as fun just hearing about it." She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest before gesturing for me to sit down with a swift tilt of her head. "Never seen a horror movie?" I asked, more to myself, taking into account that I had quite literally lived through one. Either way, I obliged and took my seat beside her, sighing in relief when a sense of comfort washed over me.

Progressively we allowed silence to come over us, seeing as Christina was becoming more and more intrigued by the film I had provided her.

I hadn't been as interested as her, as I continued to find myself looking away and directing my attention onto other things whenever a scary scene came up.
Christina on the other hand enjoyed every minute of it, jumping on occasion before laughing and telling me her guesses for who the killer was.

I sighed, leaning against the armrest and closing my eyes, a few loose strands of hair falling into my face.

'Being around her at this time probably isn't the best idea. He might get mad..."

I frowned, that familiar voice making a reappearance in my mind, I shook my head slowly and swallowed hard, unable to say anything without appearing crazy to Christina.

"He'll see your with her and he'll want her gone- out of the picture!"

The voice explained in an odd jingle.

"He's going to take your little friend. He's going to take that boy from you... I know how much you enjoy his company..."

The voice paused for a moment, and what sounded like a static came over me, blocking out any sounds that were not emanating from inside of my head.

"leave them! He'll take you too! He'll take everyone!"

The voice was growing frantic.

I furrowed my eyebrows, opening my eyes and looking around the living room, spying Christina out of the corner of my eyes; her pretty eyes glued to the screen.

"Both of them will hurt you! They could kill you!"

At this point I could feel tears flooding my eyes and threatening to spill over and onto my cheeks. I raised a shaky hand and placed it against my head, tangling my fingers in my already messy hair.

I looked around the room once again, the voice seeming to have made me jumpy. I could feel sweat beginning to coat my skin, a nauseousness now filling my stomach. The static resumed in my ears, only getting louder by the second.

I whimpered quietly, my eyes flashing around the living room before landing on the TV, right as the killer of the movie jumped out from his hiding spot, startling me and causing me to fall forward and onto the floor.

A scream of terror escaped my mouth, my hands gripping my hair as I backed myself into the couch, frantic to get away from whatever I felt threatened by.

I looked around again, only for my vision to be taken over by the sight of that horrible clown that haunted my nightmares, standing in the corner of the room- staring at me with that evil grin before running towards me, his arms growing longer as he reached for me, his mouth widening an inhuman amount as sharp rows of teeth began to fill his gums.

I let out another piercing scream before feeling hands on my shoulders, shaking me from my fright. I gasped desperately for air, my gaze flashing around in a hurry, searching for the scary clown.

Only instead, Christina had taken its place. She sat in front of me, holding my trembling shoulders with wide, frightful eyes. "Are you okay? Jesus christ!" She exclaimed worriedly.

I nodded swiftly, pushing her hands away from me and forcing myself to my feet before scrambling into the kitchen. I threw my hands to the sink and turned it on, cupping the water into my hands and splashing my face.

"I'm fine. I just need a minute..." I murmured in a shaky voice, hardly noticing how weak and almost inaudible I sounded.

Christina inched closer to me, her head tilted and an eyebrow arched in confusion, "Was that... Was that one of your episodes?" She asked hesitantly, not wanting to trigger me anymore than I already had been.

I took a short moment to collect myself, only to slowly turn around, leaning back against the counter before nodding slowly, "Definitely an episode... Ugh..." I grumbled, lifting a hand to rub my temple, trying to calm my swift heart beat.

"I'm so sorry you had to see that..."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2018 ⏰

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