Chapter Two

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It was the first day of school and Brittany was walking down the hall after dropping off Daisy for her first day of middle school when she accidentally bumped into someone.

"Ow! Excuse you." Hissed Quinn

"Oh, my God Quinn." Brittany gulped "I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention."

"Oh, it's you." Quinn snarked


Brittany's POV

Quinn Fabray.

We used to be best friends, but post-middle school,
for reasons having to do with her popularity and my lack thereof, we are now decidedly not.


Third Person POV

"Cute boots. Thank you so much for your service." Quinn sasses trying to get inside of Brittany's head.

"They're vintage, but I got them on Etsy." Brittany replied with a smile.

"And they're amazing! Not everybody can pull them off. Brittany can rock 'em! But for you, cuz, well, let's just say it's probably a good thing you're playing it safe with those Uggs." Marley says coming around the corner immediately defending Brittany.


Brittany's POV

Marley. Marley Rose...
Quinn's cousin, my best friend.
My only friend, really.


Third Person POV

"Know what, Mar? Screw you, you know my feet are always cold." Quinn says trying to defend herself from her cousin.

"Hey, babe." Santana says coming up behind Quinn and hugging her.

"Hi." Quinn says smirking at the girls in front of her.

"How you doing?" Santana asks her girlfriend.

"I'm good. How are you?" Quinn smiles

"Good." Santana replies.


Brittany POV

Remember Santana, the second non-recipient of one of my love letters? That's this Santana. Quinn's Santana.

Seventh grade, my first real party. Everyone knew that Santana and Quinn, who at the time was still my BFF, only wanted to kiss each other. And when it was my turn to spin of course it had landed on Santana.

"I can spin it again." I offered to Quinn.

"You can't cheat the bottle." Santana cut in before Quinn could answer.

And that's how I had my first kiss. Of course I had a crush on Santana at the time but she was Quinn's. And that was the fall of our friendship.


Third Person POV

"So I was just complimenting Brittany on her government-issued boots. Come on, I see someone we need to say hi to. Bye!" Quinn commands walking away and leaving her girlfriend behind.

"She just stopped drinking caffeine for some diet, I think she's in withdrawal." Santana says trying to fix the damage her girlfriend had done in less than one minute.

To All The People I've Loved BeforeWhere stories live. Discover now