The Beginnig of A Long Story

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     ~ Third Person ~

    Johnny stood in the kitchen. He had just finished making the sandwiches for when the gang would come over. His house was very similar to the Curtis house in a way. Despite what his parents wanted, it was always open to everyone and the doors weren't locked often. There was nothing really worth stealing in either of their houses to keep it locked. Except for one thing.

     The only reason Johnny locked his house was because of his little sister. Before he would go to bed Johnny would make sure the front, side and back door were locked up as tight as can be. Johnny could never imagine if something happening to Juli. He never wanted to think about that and he definitely didn't want something to actually happen to her. She was his first priority.


     "Anybody home?!" No one else but Two-bit had yelled. His voice filled the house in an instant, waking up Juli the moment he slammed the front door shut. Juli's distressed cries filled the room and the chatter from the gang seized almost instantly. The boy growled in frustration as he was still in the kitchen. He just had to yell! 'REALLY?!' He thought. 'Really Two-bit, really?!' Johnny was annoyed to say the least.

     "Great! Thanks, Two-bit! And I just put her down, too!" Johnny said. He rushed through the house, past the living room, and stepped through the doorway to his and Juli's bedroom. Johnny quickly walked over to the crib and lifted Juli. He rested Juli over his shoulder. He bounced and swayed slightly as he held her, shushing the wailing baby to the best of his abilities. He was hoping she would go back to sleep.

"Shhhh...shhh, shhh, it's're okay Juli......" He soothed. His patience seemed to never end as he continued to shush the whimpering baby in his arms. He himself yawned with her as the older boy held the infant. The night before had really wore them both out.

     Soon enough, Juli had fallen back asleep. She was still in her brother's arms when she did. Johnny smiled at his little sister. He carefully placed Juli into her crib and left the room. He softly shut the door and avoided the squeaky spots in the floor to prevent her from waking up again. She needed the sleep at this age and Johnny could use time with the gang.

                     ~ Johnny's POV ~

I walked into the living room from mine and Juli's room. Everyone was sitting around on the couch having a conversation that I didn't really pay attention to. I was still annoyed by what Two-Bit did but no one could stay mad at him for long. I cleared my throat.

     "Next time, Two-bit, don't slam the door shut will ya? And I mean it, Juliana needs sleep at this age and she won't be able to get it if you're louder than a stampede." Everyone was looking at me. The first one to look being none other than Two himself. He really did look sorry so I wasn't too upset.

"Sorry, Johnny. Didn't really think 'bout that." He said. I nodded at what he said and looked at the rest of the gang. They all looked back at me.

"How've ya been, Johnny?" Darry asked. His voice a little softer than usual. I'm guessing so he won't wake up Juli by accident. Darry can be very loud without even realizing it.

"I'm alright......just a little tired. Juli kept me up last 'bout you guys?" I kept yawning while I was talking. And each time I did, the gang looked at me with sad smiles, even Dally had the slightest smile on his face. I always knew he had a soft spot for me. Everybody knows that.

"Same 'ole same 'ole." Soda said. His usual smile was plastered on his happy and cheery face. Everyone nodded in agreement as I went and sat on the couch next to Pony. This felt like old times again.

                ~ A Few Minutes Later ~

    Everyone was in the living room, just like the Curtis house. Two-bit was on the floor in front of the Tv which Mickey. It was a little quieter so Juli can sleep. Steve and Soda are arm wrestling after Soda cheated on another game of poker. Dally, Darry and Pony are just talking with me. We were just catching up after we hadn't seen each other in two weeks. A lot can happen I guess.

     "Ya know Johnny...I never knew that ya know so much on kids, let alone babies." Pony said. I hate to admit it but the kid's right. No one knows why I'm so good with kids. Not many people do. I really don't talk about it much. There's a reason why.

     "Ya, Johnny. How do ya know so much about kids anyhow?" Soda asked. He apparently overheard what Pony had said. By now everyone was in on the conversation. I sighed, I knew I had to tell them soon but I really don't want to. There's a lot the gang doesn't know about me. Sometimes you just want some stuff secret, ya know?

"Long story..." I trailed off. I was trying my hardest to avoid the question at hand. But the gang just wouldn't let up. Ugh!

"Well we've got time, no one's really got much to do anyway." Soda said. I hated how he was right. No one had work, no one was in jail, and no one had school in the morning because the pipes burst. I closed my eyes and breathed. There are some things I just don't want people knowing bout me...if that makes any sense at goes nothing...

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