The Start Of The Drama

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"See you tomorrow, Johnny." She said. Johnny nodded towards her while he finished feeding Juli, he heard the door shut as she left. Johnny sighed. Today was like any other day...and it was a long, typical day with typical Socs...typical...


I woke up to my alarm clock beeping in my ear, almost instantly giving me a headache. That damn thing had started to wake up Juli so I hurried and turned it off. I walked over to her crib when she was awake. By now she was crying, not screaming but she definitely wasn't quiet. I can not wait until she can do more things on her own.

"'s ok..." I told her. I rocked back and forth, and luckily, she quieted down a bit. Juli was very easy to put to sleep. She was dozing off again when I laid her back in her crib, I smiled softly down at her. She looked so peaceful when she was asleep. So innocent and sweet, the world not doing any damage yet. She was definitely gonna be a looker when she's older. I know it sounds creepy, but you'd agree with me, she's such a cute baby and I'm pretty sure I'll have to beat a decent amount of boys up when she's older. Who knows?

My thoughts got the best of me, and soon I realized I was running behind. 'Shit!' I hurried over to my dresser and pulled on some clothes, tied my worn converse, quickly greased my hair the usual and walked out of my room, I made sure I didn't wake up Juli in the process. I didn't have the time to rock her to sleep again. I hurried into the kitchen and grabbed an apple before shoving all of my books into my bag for the day while being greeted by Hailey. I waved to her and rushed my way to school. As I raced down the sidewalk I checked my watch and sighed. I was running late but I was fast enough so now I'm basically on time.

After a few minutes I was joined by Pony and Two, and later on Steve joined in. No one still had a car working so we just walked, we could use the fresh air anyway. The four of us walked into school and parted when we got to my locker. Pony's first period is advanced Geometry, Two's is P.E, Steve's is History and mine is Science. Really the only classes we have together are English, History, Woods, and lunch. That's about it, but then I've got a couple of classes with just one of 'em around. School is Hell, literal and figurative, but I'll survive.

The warning bell rang as I closed my locker and I hurried to Science. Just as I sat down, the tardy bell rang. Mrs. Larson walked in and started writing stuff on the chalk board; Get to know your classmates...really? That's the least serious thing I think she's ever written on that board in years. I guess Mrs. Larson could see our faces and sighed. She wasn't the type of teacher for this. Usually she got straight to the point and didn't take any buts. It confused the Hell out of me, but it doesn't take long to confuse me.

     "Class, I've been informed that there are some things going on with one of my students. So I've made a decision so we can know our classmates better, we've all got problems and we could help somehow if we know about them. But if you don't want to talk about it then that's perfectly fine." She said the last part looking at me, 'oh no'. I know where this is heading, and I don't like it.


"Thank you for sharing, Andrea." Mrs. Larson said. It wasn't that bad. Only thing Andrea had to deal with was a dead beat uncle that she never saw who kept begging her parents for cash. She was going by rows, I was sitting behind Andrea. That meant I went next. I hoped she would skip me, but they never do that.

"Johnny, is there anything you'd like to share?" 'Great, just great!' I hesitated. I really don't wanna talk about this stuff but maybe they could help me out. It wouldn't hurt. There are rumors about me already so what would it matter? Maybe it'll get rid of the rumors.

"I-it's a long s-story..." I said. My stuttering already left me embarrassed and I was lucky my blush couldn't be seen through my dark skin. Man, did I wish I had skipped like some of the other kids did.

"We've got time, Johnny. We can always resume tomorrow." She said. I think she could see how nervous I was to talk 'bout this. I took a final deep breath. 'Fuck it.' And spoke.

"Well, my parents've b-beaten me ever since I was l-little. Maybe even around when I was 3, 2 even. They've never cared about me. All they'll ever be are lying d-drunks who can't go a day without drugs and booze, they lie all the time and do anything to make m-my life Hell." I paused and took a deep breath. This class was mostly Socs, and the whole class' jaws were to the floor. I guess none of them expected a Greaser like me to have to deal with this. They thought the world was just unicorns and rainbows. 'That's soo surprising.'

"Just about a month and a half ago, almost 2 , Ma cheated on Dad again. She got pregnant but didn't have a stillbirth like she did the last time. They basically d-dumped the responsibility on me, they even left to live with a friend. Only thing they do is pay the bills still so I don't "beg", it's probably so I won't ask 'em for anything else besides that, too." I paused again, this time taking in a shaky breath, 'Don't cry don't cry don't cry, you CANNOT breakdown now. At home ya but not here!' I thought, and I was lucky I didn't. In an instant I regretted sharing. That decision was stupid-

"What's the baby's name?" I turned my head to see none other than the Bob Sheldon had asked me. "Juliana Cade." I stated. I don't know why he of all people had asked me a serious question like that. All Bob ever did was jump me and leave me for dead. But his eyes said something different. Maybe he did care some-

"Bullshit! You're probably just lying for attention. All you want is something other than your sad, miserable hood life!" Someone said. I looked over and met the hard gaze of Dan. He was with Bob when I got jumped. He's another popular Soc, just not as crazy as Bob will go sometimes.

"That's enough, Dan! Leave Johnny alone, can't you see he's tired enough as it is. He's got to take care of a baby and he's only 17." I was shocked any teacher stood up for me, let alone do this today. My jaw nearly hit my Chuck Taylor's.

"Johnny, you don't mind bringing Juliana in do you. I have a feeling some people need hard proof, but I won't rush you." She smiled at me, what the Hell, how is it all of a sudden a HUGE conversation topic when just HOURS ago no one thought it was real. Ugh! I thought.

"Sure Mrs. Larson, tomorrow should work, I've just gotta talk with the babysitter." I mumbled the last part, yet I know everyone heard me. Just then the bell rang, before she could say anything else I darted out of there and to my next class, History. least it was better than being stuck in that class having to explain everything.

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