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The time was nearing midnight, again. You and the others were never the types to sleep at an early time, however. Masaru suggested horror movies as he found everyone's reactions funny, but everyone else disagreed. Kotoko suggested Spin The Bottle, or Truth or Dare, but once again it was rejected. You were quite happily cuddled up with a few pillows on the couch, near Nagisa. You didn't know what it was but simply his presence calmed you and made you happy. It was strange, too. If he were to compliment you or put you in a positive light, you wouldn't distress over being hated instead. His positive words and no one elses made you happy. It was both confusing and kinda funny. I mean, what's the chance he wouldn't hate you and he'd view you as a good friend? You personally adored him. He was super smart and calm, and he genuinely cares for everyone, even that meanie Monaca. Considering you didn't wear a mask anymore so your hair and face were really visible, he'd sometimes play with it or you'd catch him kinda gazing at you. Once again, there's no chance he'd be your friend... Right?
"Jataro, are you alright..?"
His words kinda threw you back into reality. You're here, sat next to him, don't space out, that'll ruin everything.
"Huh? Yeah. I'm alright..." Your voice went quiet. You had butterflies and you felt awkward. He was really here, concerned for your well-being. Is this a dream? You hope it isn't. To try and prove it isn't you cuddle up to him more, and without realising you're now resting your head into his neck.
What are you doing?
Why isn't he pushing you away?
What is this feeling?
Is this just a childish crush...?
"Yeah, I say this works!" Masaru's voice breaks you from your mini internal panic.
It's time to come to terms with your feelings, Jataro Kemuri. You've been like this for too long now.

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