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You didn't realize, but you managed to fall asleep. Everyone else had went to their rooms, apart from him anyway. You were cuddled up to him.. in your sleep... And he didn't push you away. In fact he didn't seem too bothered, like at all. You slowly stood up and got changed, and went to see what there was to eat. Hajime was sat there, sipping at his coffee, like he did every morning. He was not a morning person. You ignored that and simply poured yourself a glass of water and went to sit next to Nagisa, who was now awake. You didn't notice, but he was waiting for you to come back.
You didn't notice,
But the feelings were mutual.
Nagisa had picked up on how you felt, as you weren't really the best at hiding it. He didn't want Masaru or Kotoko to notice however, as if they did hell would commence. But he didn't care.
But there was a problem.
You both didn't know how to face your feelings.
You tried to initiate a conversation, but it just turned into one of your apologies again.
"Nagisa, I'm sorry for being so clingy recently. I just... Really trust you, you know?" You managed to say, trying to break the silence. You basically had to cover your mouth to ensure ramblings didn't happen, but he didn't notice.
"Huh..? No need to apologize, you haven't been clingy. Trusting me is fine, in fact I'm glad you do." He blushed slightly and for once you noticed. Though this didn't last and Kotoko basically flew in squealing incohorently, you managed to hear her say something about crushes but that was it.
Clearly, Nagisa heard more as he got flustered. Kinda cutely flustered, actually.
"H-hey! It's not like that!" He raised his voice.
It was clear to you now, however. You needed to do something. You both felt the same way.

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