Parties and bodies

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Episode - Wolf Moon

Stiles somehow convinced me to come with him to go to Scott's in the middle of the night, actually it's like eleven but that's not the point. So right now we're in his jeep driving to Scott.

"So been getting any sleep?" He asked causing me to look at him.

"Yep so far all week I've been getting sleep of course it's like three hours of sleep but still sleep." I answered nodding my head slightly.

"That's great are you taking an insomnia pill to help you sleep?" He asked.

"No, we found they didn't work for me and only keep me awake longer." I answered.

"Well then what's helping you sleep?" He asked looking at me confused.

"Certain smells put me to sleep because they calm my racing mind." I answered, it's not a lie Derek decided once he learned I have insomnia to try a bunch of different smells to see what would put me to sleep versus what wouldn't. He's confused as to why a certain cologne does but doesn't question it and bought me some to spray before I go to bed, not that I'm going to use it because it doesn't have the same effect. He also has yet to bring me to meet Peter.

"What smells?" He asked and I really wanted to drop the topic here.

"Ummmm.... The smell of lavenders, lilacs, a cologne that I don't know the name of, the forest which is great because I live right in front of the forest, the smell of a storm, and some other things." I answered.

"What about roses?" He asked looking at me with a goofy grin.

"No, I've always hated roses they're just to cliche and they don't smell that good." I said shaking my head.

"So if you ever got a boyfriend what type of flowers would they give you?" He asked. Why was he asking these questions.

"Lilacs or azaleas." I answered looking away from him.


I watched Scott walk out of his house in a red hoodie holding a bat most likely to investigate the noise Stiles was making. I also watched Stiles fall and is now hanging upside down as both boys scream in fear.

"You two are idiots." I mumbled.

"AHH! AHHH! AHHHH!" The boys continued to yell.

Scott huffs in frustration and annoyance before lowering his bat before snapping, "Stiles, what the hell are you doing?!"

"You weren't answering your phone! Why do you have a bat?" Stiles asked.

"Maybe he was going to bed most people don't look at their phones before going to bed." I snapped. As I thought I went ignored.

"I thought you were a predator!" Scott snapped annoyed.

"A pre... Wha?" Stiles asked I gave them both a look of annoyance which went ignored mostly by Scott as he was the only one that could see me. Stiles decides to drop it and change subject to why I was here with him, "Look, I know it's late, but you gotta hear this. I saw my dad leave twenty minutes ago. Dispatch called-- they're bringing in every officer from the Beacon Department, and even state police."

"For what?" Scott asked with a frown. I really wanted to go back to Derek's and go to bed but also I wanted to see the dead body.

"Two joggers found a body in the woods." Stiles nearly yells out of excitement.

Reaching up to pull himself free of the trellis, Stiles lands on his feet in front of Scott, who still looks confused. I have to say I didn't think he would land on his feet

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