Chapter 1- Single

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I actually don't mind being single, it's not that bad. Most people always act like being single is so bad and hard and they want a boyfriend, but I don't see what they see. Being single is like being free. With a boyfriend you have to do what they want to do too, not just want you want! My friends are single, so it's not so bad.

Now you're probably thinking... This book is called Boys and it's about boyfriends so why is she taking about being single? Well just wait! Boys will come!

Now let's get to the story...

I was sleeping so peacefully until my older brother, Noah, and his REALLY cute friend, Jake came into my room!

"Go long!" yelled Noah

"Why are you guys playing football in my room?" I yelled so Noah could hear me over the two of them playing.

"Cause we're boys, stupid!" Noah said bratty.

"Well maybe we could go outside and play?" said Jake sounding sweet

"Why? Do you not want to disturb my sister? Do you like her?" Noah said with one of those why would you even say that smile on his face.

"What no!! Fine lets keep playing." Jake said while hitting my brother in the arm.


I hate telling you this but yeah I do like Ashely. Don't tell anyone!! Everything about her is perfect! Her eyes, her hair, her face, her name, just everything! I don't want Noah to know because well he's her brother! It would be weird!


I was so upset when Jake said he didn't like me! I like him! Everything about him is perfect! His eyes, his, hair, his face, his name, just everything!

Now this is probably the part where I go on and on and on about how we fist meet and what he said and stuff but no. That would probably be boring.

I finally got the strength to get out if bed. I got into the shower, got dressed, combed my hair, brushed my teeth, ate breakfast, than of course I texted my friends. I'm not telling you every single text I had but I'm just gonna tell you my friend, Chelsea, and I where meeting up at the park after lunch.

"Hey mom, can I go to the park with Chelsea after lunch?" I asked cause apparently you have to ask your mom everything.

"No honey." my mom said.

"Why!!!!!!" I was so mad.

"Because you are grounded remember?" my mom told my and looked into my eyes.

"What? Since when was I grounded?!" I knew what I was grounded for I just said that so I didn't ground like a bad girl asking if I could leave the house when grounded.

"When you didn't clean your room after I told 5 times!" my moms voice was getting higher.

I didn't want to push it so I just said "Oh right."

So what does any normal teenage girl do... Texts her friend asking what time they meet up.

While I was texting Chelsea Jake came in and started to read my texts over my shoulder.

"What are you talking about?" Jake asked, still standing over my shoulder.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked trying not to smile.

"Ooooo someone's mad" Jake said.

"Shut up!" I said and pushed him away.

OMF pause!!!! When I pushed him I felt his abs!!

About 10 minutes latter Noah came in and what happens... we get into a fight!


Ashely and I always get into fights! It's so annoying! I should always win! I mean I am older!!

I was reaching for the last cookie while Jake was still outside and Ashely's hand was reaching for it too! I pull she pulls we both pull!

"It's mine" I scream.

"No it's mine!" Ashley screams back.

"I'm older!" That one always works.

"I was hear first!" Ashley tries and makes a god come back.

Finally the cookie breaks and we both eat out half and no one cleans up the crumbs off the floor. I went back outside.


It was finally after lunch and Chelsea and I were at the park.

"So what's up?" asked Chelsea.

"Nothing just almost got hit by a football this morning, and got into a fight with my brother about a cookie" I said back.

"Sounds normal." she said laughing.

"Yup!" I said back

We talked some more and played than we both went back to my house, and guess who was there... Jake!

"Ugh! He is still here!" I yelled trying not to make it noticeable that I like him.

"Haha very funny, love you too." Jake said sarcastically.


Ok back to reality.

"Dude did you hear what he said?" I whispered to Chelsea.

"Yeah, so? You think he likes you?" Chelsea whispered back.

"What Nooo!" I said.

"Oooooo someone has a crush!" She whispered.

"Shut up!" I was getting mad, so I went upstairs.

Chelsea left 20 minutes later, and something big happened

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