Chapter 2- Tears Will Fall

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"So do yo--" I started to say until I heard...

"AHHHHHH" my mom screamed as we heard something fall in the bathroom.

"OMG what was that?" I asked nervously.

"I don't know! Let's go check!" Said Noah.

We all went upstairs into the bathroom and saw a horrifying sight!!!

"MOM!! MOM!! WHATS WRONG??!" I screamed at her.

"MOM!! TALK TO US!" yelled Noah.

"What's wrong!!?" I starting crying looking back at the two boys.

"I don't know! I'll call 911!" said Noah as he ran to the phone.

Jake starting laughing.

"Why the hell are you laughing!?" I got up and was so mad at Jake.

"Well cause this reminds me of the commercial where they say... I've fallen and I can't get up!" Jake said cracking up.

"What the hell is wrong with you!! You can't say that if you are dead!! Get out of my house bitch!" I yelled at him and pointed to the door.

I never thought I would talk like that to my crush but the way he was talking I had to.


OMG I'm so stupid!!!! Why would you say that to your crush!!! God I'm so stupid!!! I want to die! God!! I hate to admit it but I started to cry!


I am so worried!!!!! What is wrong with my mom!!!! I started crying so hard! Than I heard something outside like a bird kept on running into a tree! I went downstairs and looked out the window! You wouldn't believe what I saw! It looked like Jake was trying to kill himself! He was just ramming himself into a tree head first!!

"JAKE!!!! JAKE!!!! JAKE!!! STOP!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING??!" I yelled running at him.

"Trying to kill myself!" Jake said crying.

"Why??!" I asked so confused.

"Because of you!" Jake said as he walked away.

Because of me?


While I was inside caring for my mother Ashely and Jake are outside! I did hear commotion but Jake is always loud. I wasn't worried or anything.

"NOAH NOAH NOAH!!!" Ashely yelled running in the house.

"What??!" I asked.

"Jake was trying to kill himself because of me!!!" Ashely said.

"Well that's Jake." I said not having a care in the world.

"How can you not care!!?" Ashely was getting mad.

"Because our mother might be dead!" I yelled

Oh right! Focus on that!" Ashley yelled acting like I was off topic.

I gave her a dirty look.

"I called 911 and someone is on their way." I said.

"Ok good." Ashely said.


I felt bad when I forgot about my mom I bet she wouldn't forget about me! What is done is done you can't go back. I started to focus on my mom now.

The ambulance showed up a coupe minutes latter and took my mom to the hospital.

I was so so so so worried! I couldn't sit still! I was walking around the room and so was my brother! Finally the doctor came in.

"Smith?" he called out.

Me and my brother walked up.

"Yes?" we both asked.

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