Chapter 3- Big News

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"You mother is...." the doctor said with a long pause "dead." he finished.

We were both silent not saying a word looking down with tears fall from our eyes. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, yesterday she was fine now today something happened and now she is dead! Who is going to take us places, who is going to live, with us, who will be there for us? I couldn't believe this.


I didn't believe it! My mom was dead! How could that happen to me! Seriously! My mom was perfectly healthy yesterday and now look at her! My life got a whole lot worse! I started to cry hard so did Ashely.

"Ok." I said still looking down not wanting to look at anyone.

"How will we live? Who will take care of us? Who will drive us places?" my sister said starting to get mad.

"Don't you two have a father?" asked the doctor.

Great now he brought up my father, could this get any worse?

"Yes, but he left us when Noah and I were little." Ashely said getting madder.

"Don't you ever see him?" asked the doctor.

"What do you think left means?!" I chimed in while Ashely gave me a why did u butt in look.

"What about your Aunt?" asked the doctor.

"Doesn't live near us." I answered.

"Uncle?" asked the doctor.

"Lives with Aunt! And don't ask about our other Aunt's and Uncle's cause they are dead". I looked down again.

"Grandma? Grandpa?" asked the doctor.

I didn't want to answer cause me and Ashely didn't like them.

"I guess." Ashley said looking at my with that we need someplace to stay look.

We gave the doctor her phone number and she came and picked us up.

"Well hello children! Long time no see. I hear your mom died. Well no time for chit chat I need to bingo. Come along." said my grandma.

Bingo? Oh boy.


This just got a whole lot worse! I can't stay with my grandma and grandpa! To make it worse school starts in a week! Ugh this got to be hard! Wait we still have to pack! Oh no!

"Grandma, Jake and I still have to pack." I told her.

"Oh no dear, you don't need to pack, I have everything you need at my house." my grandma answered.

"Oh." I said while looking at Jake.

I won't take you threw my times with my grandma today or this week cause nothing really happened. Jake never showed up. Noah and I didn't fight. my grandma was normal as usual. It starts to get interesting when school starts. Let's skip to that.

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