Chapter 16- What did you do to my toothbrush?

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Chapter 16- What did you do to my toothbrush?

"No no no, you have to smooth off the table clothes, Katy. Rake up those leaves, Adam. You better not eat that acorn, Kyle!" I heard my mouth shout at my siblings as I approached the backyard.

When I was in the backyard, I noticed my mom working my brothers and sisters butts off. They were running around trying to make the backyard look presentable for the Saturday barbecue. My mom was giving off orders, while holding our one year old brother, Dylan. She was doing all this while looking like she would pop in any second.

"Mom, you should stop working yourself so hard." I said, coming over and taking hold of Dylan. He laughed, and started to play with my hair. Mom sighed, and sat in a chair that was conveniently behind her.

"I know, but I just want this months barbecue to be great. I feel like something special is gonna happen." I laughed looking down at her stomach, I wonder...I sighed,

"Mom you need to rest, everyone has it covered. I'll just supervise." She sighed looking up at me. She looked so exhausted.

"You sure." I laughed,

"Yes I'm sure, you're starting to look your age." She playfully gasped,

"We wouldn't want that, now would we. I'm going to sleep, immediately." I laughed as she wobbled into the house. I turned to see my siblings straightening out tables, and placing table cloths on them. There were about ten to twenty tables, and they were all gonna be filled on Saturday. My siblings did most of them, so I decided to do the rest.

"It's okay guys, moms taking a nap. Go take a break, I'll take over from here." They started to cheer, and hugged me. We had a big group hug. I laughed.

"Okay guys, go." They all went inside still cheering. I rolled my eyes, and looked out at the backyard. It was so large. I grabbed a couple of table cloths and placed them on the last few tables that were left. The tables were wooden and looked so cool. The chairs were tree stumps, that we flew out here.

I sat down on one, as I straighten out a table cloth.

"Hey, Ella Bella." I rolled my eyes, as Stewart walked over. I raised an eyebrow,

"Aren't you suppose to be tutoring Penelope?" Suddenly Stewart sighed and sat on the tree stump that was next to me,

"Yeah, and I did. She was doing so good that she thanked me by hugging me. ThenIkissedher." I raised an eyebrow, not understanding that last part. I stared at him in confusion,

"She hugged you, then you what?" He looked around, and lowered his voice,

"I kissed her." I still couldn't hear him,

"Stewart, I'm sorry, but after years of having my headphones on full blast, my hearing isn't all there. What did you say?" I asked, and he groaned becoming frustrated.

"I kissed Penelope!" He blushed bright red when his voice echoed. I laughed,

"Finally. That's so awesome." He raised an eyebrow, still blushing,

"Finally?" He asked, and I nodded,

"Yes finally. I've been waiting for you to grow some balls, and get in there. Actually, everyone has been waiting for you to grow some balls, and get in there." Stewart looked a little pale,

"Everyone?" I nodded,

"Everyone." He groaned,

"Yeah well I grew some balls, I kissed her, and she kissed me back." I smiled,

Do you have any brothers or sisters? Yes, 15 to be exact [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now