Moon and her Alternate selfs from different AU's

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[All Au versions of Moon except Raven,MoonWatcher and DarkMoon can only shapeshift into human-form and skele-form unless said other why's ]

[All Au's listed here do not belong to me unless they have a "★" or a "☆" next to them]

[Moon and her Au selfs belong to me]


(Moon) MoonWatcher - Original/UnderTale

DarkMoon - UnderSwap (MoonWatcher's Inner Demon/Chara self )

RedMoon - UnderFell (Edgy-Bean with sass and a bit of Language,though if petted she will try to get you to or tell you to stop but secretly likes it and will eventually accept it and start purring she also has a soft spot for small and/or young kids )

LittleMoon - KidTale(?) (Pretty much a more childish and younger MoonWatcher, Warning! Innocent-Bean)

NagaMoon - NagaTale (she has longer fangs in this Au and can also hyphnotize people if she want,she can usually be seen in mostly her skele-form but can also sometimes be seen in her human-form, both forms in this Au are Naga's of course)

★ Raven - UnderFeather (she is very similar to MoonWatcher though she has her differences in looks and slight personality, she has big black raven wings and will sometimes have matching bird tail, she also has more of a sense of humor then MoonWatcher and can often be seen teasing somebody with puns or pranks or just plain teasing in general, if she's not doing any of those things she's most likely flying/exploring ,reading/writing, drawing, listening to music, sleeping, or just hanging out with her friends, Etc. )

★ MoonLight - UnderLight (is quiet and a little distant, does not trust others so easily, often wears a black or dark blue-gray  cloak with hood up and wears a amulet/necklaces in the shape of a slightly cracked heart crystal, likes some riddles and word games and can speak in both WingDings-Font and English though if she does not know or trust you yet she'll most likely stay quiet or only speak in WingDings, has skele-tail)

Lunar - OuterTale  

NewMoon - NewTale (has skele-tail , wears a crescent moon amulet that is white, silver and light-gray, will hiss at you if angered or threatening , in 'predator-mode' her eyes will become slited and may become aggressive and hiss at you though if confronted by a close friend/fammily member she will most likely calm down )

★ FullMoon - MoonTale 

MoonFrost - UnderFigure ( has icy/sky blue eyes and wears a blue cloak with white fur on it along with a silver and light-gray crescent moon necklace)

BloodMoon - HorrorTale (warning! Approach with caution! If she asks if you want to play, Run. And/or Hide. Otherwise, you may get an unpleasant surprise...)

GlitchedMoon - ErrorTale

MoonInk - InkTale

MoonDust - DustTale

★ MoonShift - UnderShift/The Voidless

InuMoon/Luna/Lulu - InuTale ( she is a great white wolf with a little bit of silver fur with glows in moon light and light blue eyes and when in human or skele-form she has fluffy white wolf ears and tail, is protective of those she loves and will growl/become aggressive if threatened or if those she loves are threatened,  in her pack she was an alpha though do to loseing a fight against another wolf she had to leave her pack and became a loner wolf, she likes being petted and has a soft spot for small/young kids)

NekoMoon/Moony/MewMew - NekoTale ( is a light gray and silver cat with silver-gray stripes on her back with white paws and sky blue eyes when in human or skele-form she has silver gray ears with white fluffy ears and tail,eyes will turn to slits and will hiss if threatened though if petted she will purr , but Never. Pull her tail. That's just asking to get scratched in the face, unless your a kid, with kids she understand they don't know better...)


[ more Au version's of Moonwatcher will probably be added in the future]

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