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...... wanna be my girlfriend like officially?" Jah asked

Imani POV

"Yes I will" I smiled at X. He pulled me into him and kissed me softly. Before I didn't know if it was lust or love tbh but now I know it's love.

I woke up the next morning to see Jah playing with my hair. "Gm babygirl" "morning Jah" I said. "Let's go get some breakfast" I suggest "nah I got my food right here" I smile a bit "baby I mean real food" I explain. "Nah daddy's on a pussy only diet" he says "why the fuck you always so horny" "you make me horny shawty" he says. "Oh aight then let's goooooo" I laugh dragging him out of bed, or at least attempting to. "Babyyyyyy we gotta go get fooodddd" I say straddling him bouncing on his stomach. He looks at me like I just murdered his mama. "You can't just bounce on me like that and then leave me alone like this" he says "uh yeah I can let's go get food" I say"come back ere" "nope I'm leaving" I say from my dresser, grabbing my phone, keys and purse. "WAIIIIIT ILL COME THENNNNNN" he yells out. "That's what I thought, now get dressed". We leave and he drives. We go to the store since he wanted me to cook. Ski is at home and idk if he's hungry or not so Im just gonna make enough food for all of us cuz he'll have a tantrum if he's hungry and I didn't make him anything. We got the groceries and put them in the car then drove to Starbucks. We all got caramel mocha fraps.

We got home and I cooked thissssssss

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We got home and I cooked thissssssss.

We got home and I cooked thissssssss

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"Damn shawty a good chef how the fuck you make this shit?" Jah asked "dunno just throw everything together and hope it turns out good" "bullshit you can't just throw this together" he says "yes you can, I'm professional" "I knew you was hiding sum...

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"Damn shawty a good chef how the fuck you make this shit?" Jah asked "dunno just throw everything together and hope it turns out good" "bullshit you can't just throw this together" he says "yes you can, I'm professional" "I knew you was hiding sum" he says. "wow you got me Scooby Doo" we die laughing idk why it wasn't even that funny lol. "Ski getcho ass down here!" I yell. "Shit calm down!" He yells, walking down the stairs. "Ayee vro" Jah says to ski. "Wassuppppp" Ski replies as they do their handshake. "So is you two like a thing now" ski asks "yeppp" I answer "ain't no nigga taking shawty from me or I'm a have to pull a chopper on em" he says. We all laugh and I go to get the food and put it on the coffee table. We sit on the couch and eat and watch tv. "Babygirl this shit amazing" Jah says "I know right this the shit" ski says. Jah leans into my ear and whispers so only me and him could hear. "Almost tastes as good as you" "why you always horny as fuck weird ass nigga" I whisper back and cuddle into his arms. "We already had this conversation" he replies "I know" I smirk at him. "You coming on tour wit me and Stokely Pokely?" "Shut the fuck up" ski yells at him. "Mhm" I reply. "fr?" "Yep" "we leave tomorrow at like 4 am so you better start packing" he says. I walk upstairs. "AYE CAN YOU PACK MY SHIT WE GOING OVER TO MINE NOW" he yells "YEP" I call back and we left.
Ski is coming the day after us and Jah said it was a surprise where the tour started.

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