Chapter 7

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I checked the time and it was nearly 9:00, mum had already given me some food but I wasn't that hungry. The nerves were overwhelming.

'Lets do this,' I said to myself in my head.

I grabbed my bag, the one that I always needed, holding all of my essentials and headed out the door.
The girls were already in the party mood, playing music loudly out their car, all of them probably already off their heads. Hayley was dancing in the driver's seat and they were all singing out the window as we drove to the party.

As soon as we pulled up outside, the party was in full swing. People were singing dancing and all looked like they were having fun. The house wasn't huge but was big enough. I didn't know who it belonged to but the interior was nicely decorated, it gave off a kind of indie and retro vibe.
I somehow felt comfortable with the environment however there were a hell of w lot of people.

'Let's go girls,' Rachel said, wrapping her arms around me and the others.

'Let's get some guys,' she added, everyone laughed at her comment but I knew that no one would want me anyway, so there was no point in trying and at the end of the day my goal was trying to make it to the party let alone talk to new people.

As soon as we entered the house, the music was blaring, the beat resounding through my body. Some of the girls went straight to the booze and to dance. I just decided to go and check out the place. The amount of bodies made it very difficult to see anyone.

I carried on through the crowd, slowly pushing my way through  and sat down on the windowsill along the side, just to take a breather. It was a lot more stressful than I remember it being, probably because I was drunk at the time.

After a few minutes, Rachel comes up to me, already tipsy after probably downing a load of shots and said 'Come on it's time for the game you love the best, Have you ever,' she said walking off again.

Or what used to be my favourite, I thought to myself.

I followed her to the table that was on the other side of the room and already there were a lot of people gathered, the shots of tequila prepared as well.

This sounds so crazy to me now but this used to be my every weekend.

'Ok let's get going,' Hayley said still excited as ever but now increased by a hundred because of the alcohol.

Let's go.

The game went on forever and before I knew it, I had taken so many shots that the world was beginning to spin. I had also smiled so much in the last few hours that I had forgotten everything and even my muscles now ached from it.

But sadly, the high of taking alcohol only lasts so long and now everything came rushing back.

I held my fingers up to my forehead; it pounded in time with the music. I looked up and the others were still going but I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up holding my fingers to my mouth and ran towards the little sign that said bathroom, that the house's owner must have put out. Wanting help from the others but not being able to explain or ask for it.

As soon as I reached it I threw up in the toilet and sat on the marble floor, trying to breathe, even though everything was still blurry in my vision. I moved away a little bit form the toilet and leaned against the wall, my hands pressed to my forehead and my eyes tightly shut.

All of a sudden, the urge to throw up overcame me again, so I leaned over the toilet seat, ignoring the horrific smell. But this time another pair of hands pulled the hair out of my face and up out of my way. I couldn't look up to see who it was as I was still not feeling great. I was also extremely hot , my forehead dripping in sweat.

Once I had stopped retching for good, I moved away from the toilet and moved back to the wall. The cooling of the marble helped. I was conflicted about whether to look up and see the person who had helped me but my curiosity out won me.

I looked up and it was him, Chase. I tried to move away, crawling on the floor but I had absolutely no energy.

'It's ok,' he said moving my hair behind my ear, making sure it was away from my face. He then grabbed some tissue and dabbed my forehead.He did it tentatively and somehow his touch didn't faze me. I leaned into to his hand, feeling safe for some reason. This was the first time in two years that I had allowed anyone to actually touch me. I looked up at him, with a look of disbelief, who was this guy. And then it all came flooding back again.

He could never know the truth about me.

I moved away from his hand and stood up with very little balance but I new I had to get away.  I tried to get away from him but he just held onto my arm not letting go. I couldn't tell him to let go so I just yanked it away, which was a mistake because I slipped on the marble floor and fell on my bum, hitting my head on the wall.

'Ow!' I shouted in my head. That was painful, and all of a sudden, everything went black.


Thanks for reading, have a great week and I am sorry if there are any mistakes :) Also I am hopefully going to start uploading more to this book again.

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