Chapter 8

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I woke up to the calming movement of someone's footsteps. I slowly opened my eyes and as everything around me was coming into focus, I could feel the slow heartbeat of someone's heart beside me and the slow breath against my face. I tried to get out of their grasp but the person had their arms wrapped tightly around my legs and body. I looked up and it was him, the same guy from before. I looked around and recognized where we were, my street.

He then knocked on a door and the familiar sound of my mother's voice rang in my ears. I tried to struggle out of his grasp again but it was hopeless. My mum opened the door and the smile on her face dropped instantly.

'Oh, no, is she ok? She's not hurt?' My mum bombarded him with a ton of questions.

'No, no, she's fine, she just needs to go to bed,' Chase said not fazed by this being the first time he had met my mother.

'OK take her on up,' my mum walking up the stairs, showing him to my room. I didn't want him in my room but I couldn't protest, having no energy left.

He laid me down on the bed and pulled the covers over me and sat beside me making sure I was ok, this subtle action of care both scared me and  warmed up my inside. It was the first time in a while that anyone had shown me any sort of affection.

But I knew that it wouldn't last.


I woke up to the worst headache ever and my body aching. What had happened last night, most of it was a blur. The only thing that stuck in my mind was the comforting feeling I had got from the boy yesterday but also a sense of unease, who was he and why had he helped me?

I flipped onto my side and realised that there was a piece of paper on my bedside table, which said:

MY NUMBER- 078967546722

I didn't know what to do why did he leave it there. I was about to insert it into my phone, when another message pooped up on my screen:

Girls meet up at the beach at 10am.

I checked the time at it was 9:30, I was going to have to be quick. Without hesitation, I stood up, the note with the guy's number flying behind my bed. There was no time to try and get it.

As soon as I opened the door, Toffee came bursting through the door, pushing me to the floor. She pinned me down and licked me, probably having missed me as I hadn't seen her in a while, just half a day but we were inseparable so for both of us it felt like forever.

I squeezed her tightly and smiled broadly. For some reason I was a lot happier today than any other even though I still felt slightly dizzy after yesterday.

I grabbed my green, floral bikini and put it on underneath my hoodie and jogging bottoms, although it was still kinda hot today, I didn't feel very confident showing off my skin. I put my hair up in a tight bun, the perfect way to keep my hair out of my face.

I left a note on the kitchen table and dashed out before my mum could say otherwise. I walked along the path, underneath the palm trees, which shaded me from the heat. There were some women out in their girl groups on a nice jog, people walking their dogs and some parents pushing their children along in a pram. 

Today after so long I felt kind of safe, although I don't know why I never did . There had always been this odd sense of unease that I felt whenever I was outside or like a sense that someone was watching me. 

The closer I got to the beach, the better the view became. The beach stretched far and wide, the sand  a beautiful white joint together to the sky which today was a turquoise colour. It not being holiday season meant that the beach was still in a good state, its untouched stage. There was also a lot of room on the beach for once.

I was only a few meters away when I saw the girls on one of the sand dunes with their towels already out and their bikinis on. However the closer I got, the more people I started to see and I could see Lewis, James and Sam. I realized a lot more people had come than I thought were going to. I tried to calm my breathing but the closer I got the more I felt as though people were watching me again. Although I knew it was in my head, I just couldn't help it.

At the bottom of the sand dune I could see someone sat by themselves wearing a hoodie as well, at least I wasn't the only one....


Thanks for reading, have a great week!

I will be uploading this story much more often from now on:)

Stay safe and at home everyone who is in quarantine.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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