Kile (#2)

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Name: Kile Smith

Nickname: Kile, Thompson , Like, Lemon.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Age: 19

Looks: (Media)

Personality: He is very clever and intelligent towards his grades, he can be shy at some times, but he also has a small kinky and flirty side in which is very hard to make him do.

Species: Human

Powers: He has his own powers, but he is still developing them. He has a power of telekinesis, and invisibilty

Occupation: Student at day, part time fast food worker at night.

Kinks: MasterXSlave, Toys, BDSM, Phone Sex, Sending Nudes and Exhibitionisim.

Position: Seke, but leans more on Seme.

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