chapter 1

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EDIT: This was written in year nine. It's really bad and I didn't really understand trigger warnings then and my spelling was horrible. So if you continue to read remember that

everyone had been givin the mouth off. so only wally, jason, tim, conner, bart, Artemis, roy and Dick was at the mounting. wally and bart was in the kitchen, finishing eating. conner and tim was sat on the love set watching static.  roy was making his way to training room.  Dick and artemis were sparing. jason was cleaning his guns while watch artemis and Dick from outside the training room.

in the kitchen. wally and bart had just finished eating.   .
wally: i think we ate everything.
bart: yep we did.
wally: it was tasty though
bart: yeah it was crash.
wally: yeah that
bart: i'm bored. what now?
wally: wanna race to the training room?
bart: of couse! i do! becasue i'm going to get there first becasue i'm faster then you.
wally: oh really?
bart: yeah
wally: lets see about that shall we?
bart: yes we shall
wally: ready
bart: set
wally/bart: go!!!
they run off to the traing room. they run strait past roy. bart gets there first.. 
bart: ha i win
wally: yep.
jason: shhhh. they will hear you.
wally: who?
jason points to artemis and Dick sparing. bart watchers them with wide eyes.
wally: why can't be destrube them?
jason: becasue  they have been sparing all morning. and they may not know it but they keep staring at each other and they clearly like each other.
wally: oh 
jason: yeah.
bart: its fanily happening.
jason and wally turn to face the youngest speedster. confused
wally: what is fanily happening?
bart: traught is happening.
roy walks in
roy: what is traught?
bart: its a future thing  and its starting to happen.
jason, roy and wally: oh ok.

in the training room. Dick and artemis stop sparinh to get a drink.
Dick: so bart, roy and wally have joined jason. and are watching us spar
artemis: yep. i wonder Why they are doing that?
Dick:  well i heard bart say traught is happening.
artemis: what is traught? and why is it happening?
Dick: traught is the opposite of distraught. but it might be something else but i don't know why it is happening.
artemis: oh 

in the living room with conner and tim. a big massive purple portel opens   on the roof. 
tim: everyone come here quick!
everyone runs into the living room.
jason: whats wrong timbo?
Dick: jay. look up .
everyone looks at the portal.
jason: oh
wally: what is it?
artemis: a portal. baywatch
roy: what wally ment  was what type of portal.
conner: i don't know
bart: i know
they look at bart who is at the back of everyone
roy: what type is it bart?
bart: its a time travel portal
jason: which means
artemis: some one is coming
they all look at the portal again
Dick: get ready to fight. if we are attacked.
as soon as Dick says that. a young bpy no older then 13 fell through the portal. he was wearing a robin  costume but it was darker and had a hood.

(what will happen next? who is the boy? what does he want? read on to find out)

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