Part 16: Free?

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A/N: Because I'm a nice person I will upload this chapter early, it was meant to go up on Thursday xx

This chapter talks a little about rape so if you feel uncomfortable you don't have to read it, its only towards the end of the chapter. Thank you for reading xx

2 weeks later - The trial


I am so scared, I have spoken to Sheriff Keller and he seems to think we will get off but I'm not too sure. Its been over two weeks since I last saw Cheryl and I'm craving her lips but hopefully by the end of today I will have her in my arms. The trial was underway and I was in one dock while Cheryl was in the other "Everyone stand" I heard someone say so I did and the judge walked in, we didn't have to give evidence or anything because we both pleaded guilty, I mean we had a witness we had no choice. I looked over at Cheryl and she was also looking at me as we shared a small smile before turning our heads forward. "I have come up with a solution to this case" I heard the judge say. I took a deep breath as the judge began to talk. I had a bit of reassurance from Sheriff Keller and Kevin who were watching from the stands "As Miss Blossom and Miss Topaz are not from this country I have decided to let them go as long as they never return to the country Dubai again" I breathed a sigh of relief and I looked at Cheryl.

An hour later I was let out after signing paperwork, I was met with Kevin, Sheriff Keller and my beautiful girlfriend who I ran straight to and gave her a hug, I didn't kiss her just in case they decide to lock us up again "Right we better leave before we get arrested again" Cheryl joked. We made it to the airport and on to the plane. "Kev I forgot ask, do people in Riverdale know we are coming back?" I asked "No I thought id leave it as a surprise" he said, it didn't take long for the plane to leave the ground and when that happened and we were allowed to take our belts off. I jumped on Cheryls lap and we had the most passionate kiss ever. "God I missed those lips" I said. She just laughed and I could here Kevin and his dad making little noises. For the rest of the flight we sat hand in hand afraid to let go incase we were taken away from each other again. We got off the plane and parted from Kevin and his dad, we could thank them enough for all the help. "So who do you want to go to first?" I asked. "Nana Rose" We went to the nursing home and walked to her room. We walked in and she turned around and she was completely shocked "Oh my, what are you two doing here. Aren't you meant to be sunning yourself in Dubai?" She asked. "Its a long story that we will leave for another time but we came to tell you we are back" Cheryl said. We sat and talked to her for another half an hour "Right you two better go and see your friends" she told us "Okay nice to see you nana and we will be back soon" Cheryl said. 

I text Kevin to tell him to get our close friends to pops but not tell them why and he did so Cheryl parked the car down the road so everyone wouldn't see. We walked through the door and the bells jingled and they looked, they all looked shocked. They all got up and ran to us and hugged us. We went to sit down and we all fit in the booth, there was me, Cheryl, Jughead, Betty, Veronica, Archie, Kevin and Josie. So Cheryl was on my knee, Betty on Jughead, Veronica on Archie and Kevin and Josie sitting in any extra space. "So would you care to explain why you two are back so early?" Veronica asked "Well its a long story" I answered. "We got time" Betty interjected. half an hour later "So to recap you two were arrested because of your sexuality, you called Kevin and his dad, they flew to Dubai and helped you but Kevin couldn't tell any of us, well why didn't YOU call any of us we could've helped to you know" Jughead said. "Wow thats really something, I'm sorry you had to go through that" Archie said "Its okay, its not your fault but that experience taught me two things, one, Being away from Cheryl for two weeks has put in perspective of how much I love her and I want her in my future always" I said "And whats the second thing?" Veronica asked " Dubai is a horrible country and I will not be returning" I told them "Toni did you forget we have been banned from Dubai so we could never go back anyway?" Cheryl asked "Well I don't care, I would never return if I wasn't banned, this is what I want right here. All of us squished in a booth talking about irrelevant gossip" We spent the whole night talking until I decided I needed to break the news to my family, my mom, brother and the rest of the serpents but the serpents could wait until tomorrow. Right now I'm enjoying being with my friends.

It was very late, it had just turned 11 pm and our friends started to leave "Im glad you guys are back, it wasn't the same without you. ill talk to you soon" Josie said as she left. It was just Me, Cheryl and Kevin. "So do you want to go back now?" the boy asked "Well there is two people I need to visit first, if you don't mind" and on that note we all left and I drove to my trailer. At night sunny side trailer park looked amazing, better than anything I had seen before. I went to my trailer and opened the door and to my surprise there was a man sitting on my couch, I knew who he was. My mom sitting next to him. "Toni was are you dong here? aren't you meant to be in Dubai?" mom asked. "Yeah its a long story, Hi Mr Thurlow to what do I owe the pleasure?" I asked. "Maybe you should sit down" I sat and looked at him. "So its about your father" "Yeah I gathered that but what about him?" I asked "He has applied for an appeal" I was shocked. "What? they can't do that not after what he did, he made my life a living hell and he wants to get out. They can't let that happen." I was now panicking. I was sitting there, I had Cheryl staring at me wondering what was going on, I know now that I have to tell her. "We aren't sure yet whether or not he will win the chance to have an appeal, you don't have to stand up in court against him because you have already done that" "Okay I'm going to leave and ill come back when I've calmed down a bit because I wasn't expecting this when I came home from being arrested for kissing my girlfriend. Mom ill text you later" and with that Cheryl and I were out of the house and on our way to Kevins. The car journey was silent, I had to tell Cheryl what was going on because she now knew my father was in prison but she didn't know what for and I knew that would break her.

We were now in our room and Cheryl broke the silence. "TT please talk to me, please help me understand what happened tonight" she said "Okay well my father is in prison as you now know and what he did, it broke me. I couldn't look at him the same." I sadly said. "Toni what did he do?" Cheryl asked. "He er... he hired someone to try and hurt me" I opened up. "Hurt you how?" She asked with a tear in her eyes. "Any way they could to get a reaction, they tried to rape me, torture me by hurting my friends and also hit me. Things like that" "oh my god. Toni why didn't you tell me? When and why?" my love asked me. "I didn't want you to see me in different light, It was when I was 14, I just came out as bisexual and he wasn't the biggest fan. He wanted me to be straight but I wouldn't back down, when my mom found out she called the police and they took him away but she didn't stick around to see what happened so I went to live with FP until I could afford my own trailer" Cheryl looked at me sympathetically. "This is why I dint want to tell you. You think of me differently now" I said looking away from her. "No Toni I don't, I still think you are the most amazing girl I have ever met and nothing will change that because I love you. I'm just wondering why you didn't tell me when I told you about Nick?" she asked. "I wanted to but you had just told me about him and I wanted to comfort you and not pile my problems onto you." I said. "Hey it doesn't matter I'm just glad I know now and I will help you through it all. You helped me through my problems so I'm going to do the same" Cheryl comforted me. For the rest of the night we sat cuddled up to each other just enjoying the time we had together.

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