Laughing Gas

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You and Leo had been dating for a week now and you were coming back from dinner and you saw a bug on a wall on your way back to your cabins.

"omg leo look!"

Leo knew you loved bugs he wasnt much of a fan of them

"Y/n i dare you to see if it is alive"

"how do I do that?"

"touch it and if it moves its alive."

"of course"

you touch the bug's leg and you see it look back at you. you saw a white substance come out of it and you went to touch the bug again. it didn't move at all this time.

"You done having your fun yet?" Leo says as he pats your head

you shook your head and then you walked back to your cabin.


you and Leo were in your bed you were laying next to him and your best friend Annabeth was sitting on a chair at the foot of your bed. 

"should we tell her the story of the bug?" Leo looked at you.

"w-what bu- oh you mean the one from earlier?"

"yeah that one"

"Yeah, I will start. So we were walking back to the cabins from dinner and I saw a bug and Leo let me touch it so I touched his leg and so I saw this white substance come out of it and I think it was pee-"

"Woah! how do you know it was pee?"

"I said I think but anyways I went to go touch it again and it didn't move so I think it died"

at this point, Leo was so close to laughing and he looked like he was trying to say something.

"so he peed himself to death?" Leo choked out while he was laughing

"well when you put it like that then y-yeah" now you were almost dying of laughter. annabeth just stood there with a confused expression on her face. you turned your head and started laughing into Leo's shoulder. he was laughing into his hands. annabeth had left at this point. and you managed to choke out one sentence to Leo

" i think it looked at me before it peed"

"OMG (Y/N) HAHHAhAhahahahAAHAH IT LOOKED AT YOU PEED HIMSELF THEN DIED" at this point you and leo were a laughing mess. leo grabbed you and held you. you two were still laughing but now you two were laughing into each other's chest. after 15 minutes of straight laughter, Leo TRIED to stop laughing he had tears in his eyes but he picked up your head and gently kissed you. the kiss didn't last long because you started laughing again. 

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