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You and Leo had been dating for about 4 months now. you were walking to cabin 9 and then jason pulled you aside.

"hey... Y/n i need to talk to you about something"

"yeah jason what is it? you can tell me anything."

"w-well i dont really know how to put this..." you saw a blush sprout over his face.

"just go on and say it."

"I-I like you..."

"jason... you know me and Leo are d-" you felt arms wrap around your neck and lips touch yours. you tried to squrim out of the kiss but jason just held onto you tighter. you heard a fraile voice come from behind you.


jason stopped kissing you and you ran away from jason. Leo started running away and you could hear him mumbling and crying

"Leo! Babe! come here i can explain"

you kept chasing after Leo eventually you two were in cabin 9 and you were banging on leos door. 

"l-leo please..."

"just go away... please... you have jason now..."

that sentence made your heart crumple jason was a really good friend to you and now he was the worst.

"LEO! Please" you were now crying everywhere and banging on Leo's door. eventually, you gave up. he would never forgive you.

you made your way to the Aphrodite cabin. usually, you wouldn't go there willingly because they loved to put make-up on you, but you had to tell piper it would hurt her if she never found out. you arrived at the doors and knocked once. you were still crying. drew opened the door and all you could say to her was


she pointed to a corner of a room were you saw piper. you went over to her and she saw that you were crying.

"yeah so- woah y/n are you okay?"

"p-piper... i need to talk to you..."

piper immediately stood up and gave you a side hug. you both walked out and she said

"y/n something is wrong what is it?"

"are you and jason still together?"

"w-what? what do you mean of course we never broke up... w-wait y/n... did he do something to you?"

you nodded and all she did was hug you

"h-he... said he liked me."

pipers eyes widened

"WHAT!" she practically screamed you shuddered.

"p-piper... he kissed me." you had more tears coming off your face by the minute. 

"does Leo know?"

that sentence made you cry even louder.

"Leo walked in while it was happening. he saw everything. and now he thinks I'm cheating on him. he won't even let me explain."

"w-wait what? aww y/n... i know how much you love leo... you should talk to him-"

"piper I can't! he won't talk to me he won't even let me in his room." 

"you want me to charmspeak him?"


"okay babe anything for you." her voice seemed hurt. she liked to call you and jason babe but bow she could only call you babe.

you arrive at cabin 9 and walked to leo's room.

"leo... please" you spook softly.

"please... just go away..."

"Leo open this door." piper charmspook

the door was opened and you could see tears in leos eyes and his eyes were red and puffy. you immediately hugged him and tried to speak but nothing would come out of your mouth. Leo pushed you away.

"L-Leo I'm sorry... It wasnt what it looked like..."

"what was it then?!" he spook violently yet still sadly. at this point piper was gone and it was just you and leo.

"j-jason told me he liked me... and then he kissed me. I didnt mean for any of this to happen..."

"so you just stood there while he kissed you... look y/n I loved you... No i still do I love you... and it hurts so much to think you are cheating..."

"Leo... I couldn't pull away. or do anything he had his arms around me... I wanted to ge-" you never finished your sentence because Leo kissed you.

"I love you..." leo looked into yours eyes.

"does this mean you forgive me?" 

"yeah... uh... Y/n?"


"uhh nothing nevermind..."

"l-leo i love you... i'm so so sorry that i hurt you im sorry for everything. sometimes i try to stop thinking about you and i just cant... you are the only thing i think about constantly. i cant stand being away from you... I just dont know what i would do if something happed to you..."

leo was now crying but not sad tears happy tears.

"I love you... i never wanna lose you... i-im sorry i was so stubborn earlier..."

"i forgive you... i wouldnt have wanted to talk either..."

he pulled you into a hug. and kissed your forehead.

"Leo. I'm cold." 

"wanna cuddle?"

"m-hm" you and leo cuddled for 15 minutes before he fell asleep and so did you. in each others arms.

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