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you knew Leo, but he didn't know you. since his quest with the seven, he has been really popular and everyone wants to be his gf. even you, you didnt like him because he saved the world. you liked him because of his smile he gave you.


walking out from the arena and back to your cabin you were about to have a mental breakdown and you weren't paying attention to your surroundings. you felt a tear roll down your face and you tried your best to hold it all in. you bumped into something. you looked up and it was a guy. he had chocolate brown eyes, black curly hair and elf ears.

"s-sorry" you mumbled into your sleve and walked pash him you tried to cover your face wth your sleeve but only covered your nose down.

"it's no problem just watch where you are going next time" he smiled at you. his smile. it was like getting hypontized it was just so perfect you could spend the entire day looking into them.

end of flashback.

you were having another mental breakdown and this time it was because of a girl from the Aphrodite cabin. she had told you, you didnt deserve to be a demigod or to even live. this time it wasnt just a mental breakdown you were having it was more like a im going to kill myself breakdown. you knew there was some sort of drug in your cabin because your sister was a drug addict.

at the cabin while you were looking for the drugs you hadnt seen any. so you sat and thought. how else could i do it?

A NoOsE!

travis and connor probably had one. well a rope that is.

~with connor and Travis~

leo was talking with them so you went up next to leo. connor looked toward you and said

"whats up? need something?"

"uh.. yes a noose." you realized you had just practically told him what you were doing so you fixed it.

"i mean a rope"

"ahh. i got just the thing." he turned to get something.

you looked over and leo was looking at you concerned.

"Are you okay? you look like youve been crying."

"yeah Im fine"

"okay..." he didnt sound convinced

"uh here this should do it." connor gave a rope to you.

"thank you connor"

you turned to start walking out but connor grabbed you.

"hold up there, pay up."

you gave him a few drachmas and he let you go

you ran to your cabin, no one was in there thankfully.

you tied the rope into a noose. the noose way on the fan above you, you stood on the chair and pulled the noose around your neck, just as you were about to tip the chair over someone came in.



your eyes started to water. he ran up to you and pulled you off the chair and out the noose.

"d-dont, its not worth it" his voice was breaking. he hugged you. you pushed him off.
"No Leo You dont touch me! you dont care! stop it!"

"i do care. i always have."

"you dont even know me..." your voice trailed off

"so? i still care"

"you shouldnt! your just-"

he kissed you.

"i do, because ive had a crush on you for a while now and i dont want anything to happen to you. your worrying me. how long have you wanted to do this?"

"since my foster dad started abusing me."

"when did that start?"

"when i was 7"

his eyes widen 

"i didnt know... i have a feeling thats not the problem though. why do you feel this way?"

you broke down and told him everything.

"Leo. make me one promise"

"of course"

"do not tell anyone about this." you say as you kissed him roughly. he was shocked at first but slowly got into it, you pulled away.

"awwww i cant tell anyone i have an awesome girlfriend?"

"woah! Really? actually go ahead tell everyone, just as long as i ca be with you."

he smiles

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