問靈 | Inquiry

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Yunmeng's green willow and Gusu's flowers


Within the bamboo water tube, a slanted reflection

仗劍負琴 青山遍踏

Wielding the sword, carrying the qin, stepping upon green mountains


An affectionate gaze, memorized in painting


The scent of aged wine is fragrant


Suddenly, seeing an old friend laughing and throwing loquat


Intentions of youth are the most innocent

曲間的秘密 不曾說罷

The secret within the song, never spoken


(But once told to him)

月光下 他挽起長髮 聽見誰的聲音已瘖啞

Below the moonlight, he drew up long hair, hearing a voice long gone quiet

青煙裊裊 拂過誰臉頰

Blue smoke curling up, brushing past whose cheek

長堤下 歲月流逝若指間縫隙的沙

Under the long embankment, time slips by as if sand falling between the fingers

可有烏啼問魂 何時歸家

There are cries asking the soul, when it will return home

(何時歸家, 何時歸家)

(When will it return home?)


The scent of aged wine is fragrant 


Suddenly, seeing an old friend laughing and throwing loquat


Intentions of youth are the most innocent

曲間的秘密 不曾說罷

The secret within the song, never spoken


(But once told to him)

月光下 他挽起長髮 聽見誰的聲音已瘖啞

Below the moonlight, he drew up long hair, hearing a voice long gone quiet

青煙裊裊 拂過誰臉頰

Blue smoke curling up, brushing past whose cheek

長堤下 歲月流逝若指間縫隙的沙

Under the long embankment, time slips by as if sand falling between the fingers

可有烏啼問魂 何時歸家

There are cries asking the soul, when it will return home

月光下 他挽起長髮 奏得問靈最後一闕罷

Below the moonlight, he drew up long hair, playing the last stanza of Inquiry

琴聲杳杳 可有人作答

The qin sound fades, but there is someone who answers

長風下 往事一幕幕烙上心頭的疤

Under the long wind, the past veiled events branded into a scar over the heart

可有弦上相思 說與他

There is yearning within the strings, spoken to him

多少弦上相思 說與他

So much yearning within the strings, spoken to him


For this translation specifically, the previous English Subtitled video was taken down for various reasons. I ended up translating from scratch since a lot of my friend were upset about the loss and no one seemed to have the English text. So here it is.

Took me a few days to update my Wattpad since I don't like posting on here through my phone lol (I'm not home for almost 3 weeks)

EXTRA DISCLAIMER: My posting of translated lyrics is at my own discretion and with my own abilities (plus some help from Google). If there are other existing translations, I am either unaware at the time of posting or have interpreted the song differently. In no way am I disputing or attempting to encroach on anyone else's hard work.

Thanks for reading!!! <3 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2018 ⏰

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&quot;問靈 (问灵) | Inquiry&quot; English TranslationWhere stories live. Discover now