Nightmare to a dream

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When school was out I got what I needed and started to walk home. but before I could leave school grounds I got pushed to the ground. when I looked up... liked I expected Marisa (picture of her on top) and her group of sluts gathers around me and started to kick me. when they were done they strutted away. and to my surprise Joey watch the whole thing and didn't do anything. I had to stay strong and not cry in front of everybody. so I simply got up and started to limp home.


It's been a week seance I got beat up by the sluts. Also a day or two after i got beat up Joey texted me saying and I quote

"I don't think we should be friends cuz... I'm popular and your not so bye"

It was only that one and only text and I broke, no more being strong when I feel like nothing cuz that's what I am... nothing.

*later on that night*

I was listening to the radio cuz my iPod was charging, then the radio teller (idk what they are called) caught my attention "we are giving away 1 black veil brides concert ticket with a back stage pass and the concert is 1 week from today all you have to do is be the 4th caller! call 888-256-7659"(I just made up that number so don't really call it lol) I shot up and typed in the number and when then they picked up "HELLO CALLER NUMBER 4 may I ask what your name is" "RAY it's ray" "well hello ray and we are happy to announce that you are going to see and meet black veil brides how do you feel" "like I'm in a dream come true" "well the tickets will be sent to you" "ok" "ok hold on" the teller put a song on then came back "ok ray can we have your email address" "sure it" (I also made that up but if that is your email then sorry). "Nice email" "thanks" "well talk to you later" "ok bye" "bye" then he hung up "this day went from being a nightmare to being a dream come true" after I said that I laid down and fell under a piece and quite slumber









Sorry for the update taking so long it's just I been so busy going places and all I'm trying to say is I'm trying to update often when I have free time



Also so you guys don't get confused no ray does not self-harm she thinks its a bad habit to start so she doesn't do it.

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