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Janet seemed so sad and it broke my heart. I wish she didn't have to be in the middle of this but at this point Joseph will do anything.

"He just wants his money Michael"
"That he's not gonna get cause it's not much does he want ?"
"5 million"
"You got to be shit fuck kidding me"

She laughed at my language and I laughed a little

"If that's the case I'm giving it to mother"
"Just make this end"
"I don't think he understands I'm not a walking money machine and he better not spend this in 2 weeks "
" your she legal?"
"Omg are you making a Mexican joke?! Janet!"
"No! Omg!"
She was basically falling out of her chair laughing.
"It's just that she's very short like is she at least 21?"
"Oh yea she is turning 25 this year" I said feeling bad and laughed
"Okay she's very beautiful"
"I know my god she's gorgeous I'm like head over heals for this girl already and I don't know why Janet but I LOVE it!"
"Awe Michael you haven't been like this since-"
"Don't ruin the moment"

I filled out the check and called my mother after Janet left. I was talking to her about Mina when I saw her walk by the office door. She was showing herself around.


I think Michael and Janet are so talking so I'm gonna walk around the house just to get a feel. I walked by Michael's office and heard him talking so I headed to the backyard. This is where we had our date awe everything is still up. I was walking around the table picking up flower petals when I felt like someone was watching me. I turned around out of paranoia and obviously no one was there. I was picking up flower petals when I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist.

"Hey hey I'm sorry I'm sorry"

I looked behind me to a worried Michael

"I'm...I'm so sorry...I didn't know who you were"
"No I'm sorry I should've told you I was coming"
"No you wanted to surprise me I'm just paranoid"

He smiled and slowly opened his arms for a hug. I smiled and let him embrace me. I loved hugging him it always made me feel better. I need to stop being so paranoid I just...I guess it's gonna take time.

"You never cleaned up"
"I like looking at it"
"Good memories"
"Awe" I tried hiding my smile in his chest
"I see that smile"

(A few hours later)

Michael gave me a room to finish my dress in. I was adding some more stitching to the front when he knocked on the door.
"Come in"
I smiled seeing him at the corner of my eye. He wrapped his arms around my waist softly and kisses my shoulder. He was quite so I looked at him.

"This is you can do that"
I felt my cheeks burn so I just looked back at the dress. It's done....I never thought I would finish it.
"Is it done?"
"Try it on"
"No...I no..."
"Oh come on you looked beautiful earlier why wouldn't you look beautiful now"

I went into the bathroom and when I had the dress on I was looking in the mirror. Maybe I'm not so bad looking. I slowly slid my hands down my sides. I have a nice figure...nice hips...nice's just my face....I walked out of the bathroom to find no Michael. I was a little confused until he walked back in.

"Sorry I took off I had to grab this"
He said handing me a long box and smiling.
"What's this"
"It's for you...for tonight"
I opened the box and my heart dropped. This beautiful diamond necklace. Why was he giving me this.
"Michael...I...I can't take this...the robe was enough"
"Please...I want you to wear it"
"Just tonight?"
"Unless you wanna keep it yes"
"Just tonight....after that I want you to return it"
"Okay deal"

We were getting ready for the party when Michael knocked on my door.
"Karen is here....I hired her to get you ready"
I quickly opened my door...
"Karen Faye?!"
"Haha yes Karen Faye"
"Omg Michael"
I opened the door all the way and heard him giggle. I was in my working clothes so they weren't pretty at all. I saw how he did that little thing with his nose. We made our way downstairs and I think I've ever been this nervous my god. We walked into a nice and cold room and there she was.

"Karen meet Mina"
"Hi nice to meet you I'm Karen"

We shook hands as she sat me down. Michael pulled her into the hall.


I pulled Karen into the hall
"Just work your magic her dress his black so just do something simple she's not a big makeup girl so just something natural okay"
"Okay okay calm your balls"

I laughed and walked upstairs to sneak into Mina's room. I walked in and planted a few little presents. I don't know why I feel like I've known her for so long but it's the best feeling ever. Sometimes I feel like I just wanna marry her but that's not meant for me...It doesn't work out. I walked out and was met by bubbles.

"Hey little guy"

I picked him up and walked into Mine and Mina's bedroom-I mean my bedroom. I sat him on the bed and we watched a little video of him until I heard a knock on the door. I got up and opened the door being blown away.

" look absolutely gorgeous "
"Thank look very handsome"
"I'm guessing you're ready to go haha"

She put her hand on my chest to stop me walking. She found the gifts...and wasn't very happy

"A bracelet Michael...the robe and necklace was enough"
"It's just for tonight..."
"Unless I wanna keep it"
"See you get it "
"Oh whatever" she tried her best but couldn't help but laugh
I helped her with the bracelet and necklace and we made our way into the limo.

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