nervous tick

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There's this thing, its starts, and grows , and build over time, and stays with you. Never knowing why or how it came to be but its there, deep within your soul that's under lock and key. The one secret you can never come to terms with yet you repeat time and time again, always getting the same end results. Pain. Sorrow. Always losing a little bit more of yourself into the madness as it passes again. Everyone has it everyone does it weather they like it or not.

Its always on those days where everything feels just right yet there's that dark, cold, damp hand clawing at your chest. Yelling, screaming at you, wake up, that the bright sun is just a mask for the demons. Little by little through the day the walls break an they crumble and fall to ash, when there's nothing left that's when it comes out. The truth , the hell with every last demon in line. Your soul gets another scar and you start to rebuild yourself once again. Digging a new grave to put the beast back to rest, till its time to raise again.

How strong you are to survive , in the worst kind of way for only to keep others from losing their fights. You terrible nightmare living among a false world not believing in the boogie man.

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