Zak's Dream

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Darkness. The only light that shines through is that which shines at the end of the tunnel; or in my case, a hallway. As I draw nearer and nearer to the end of the hallway, I realize that the room itself was not dark... it just felt dark.
As I reach the end of the hallway; I extend my hand to open the door with light protruding through the space between the door and the frame.
As I open the door; I'm blinded by brightness... but the dark feeling gets stronger. I shut my eyes quickly from the intense white light. As I slowly open my eyes, I find myself standing at the bottom of a staircase in an area unknown to me. An 8-12 foot tall figure stands in front of me. I can only describe it as some black "goat-man" figure. My heart starts pounding faster and faster as I struggle to move out of his way as he descends from the top of the staircase and moves towards me. When he reaches me; he grabs ahold of me by the neck; his grip getting tighter. As I begin to gasp for air; he breathes out black smoke for me to inhale.
As his darkness consumes me.... visually and mentally; I begin to see the faces of everyone I ever truly loved, all appearing to me as nothing more than faded apparitions. As my vision begins to fade out; one by one, my loved ones disappear. All that's left is the goatman. He laughs evilly as the scenery continues to fade; then he throws me to the ground. As he travels back up the staircase: I notice he's taking a young woman with him. I didn't get a clear look at her face: the only thing I saw was the glistening light from her eyes.

That's when I blacked out;
only to realize it was all nothing but a bad dream. My nightmare.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2018 ⏰

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