Chapter Six: Interesting reasons

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Uh hi, there are some things in here that you won't understand if you skipped the, what your hero is like, for some reason.

As I zipped away through the city I looked out for the person chasing me. The weird noise was back from behind me and I looked and saw it was a woman, someone with a strange piece of machinery on her chest.

She was catching up on me so I threw my cagin at the women and trapped her, I continued to slide away but I heard a different noise and saw she was back on to me, what the fuck how?

I turned to another direction and she got closer so I decided to throw my flash bang at her but she... teleported away?

I looked behind me and started shooting at her but she just kept dodging the shots.
The women then jumped at a wall teleported to another getting closer and then threw something at me.

The device was beeping and it missed me but was close enough and it exploded and knocked me down to a rooftop. Everything was blacking out and it felt like I was being dragged away, but I passed out after.

..."ugh" I groaned as my eyes opened. I looked around and it was dark but there was a window, I tried to stand up but I was tied to a chair. As I struggled it didn't do anything "fuck" I whispered to myself, then I heard footsteps I looked up and saw a red light and bright red eyes coming from the window.

It was the women that chased me, and as the light lit up the room I could just barley see it was a abounded apartment. And seeing her up close... she was.. cute. "So how are you doin?" she saids as I see she's grinning through the red glow. "Where the fuck am I" I say sternly. "Mad are we" she saids clearly mocking me.

"Why am I here and not at your base or something like that?" I asked, the women walked up to me "You were able to attack our bases, destroy some small ones, escape, and had fun with it. So that interested me". "And why did that interest you?" I asked confused "Our boss Reaper is a ball of anger and isn't "fun", so seeing him getting mad is a good treat for me. And someone like you is as I said, interesting".

"Well it seems like the same for you". "Really? Well what do you say about a truce between us?". She said grabbing a knife cutting the rope to my hand while she held her hand out. I stared at her hand and thought about it and decided to agree. I shook her hand and she cut the rest if rope off and let me go. "Your stuff is over there" she pointed in the corner and I went to go get it. "Umm what's your name?" I asked and she looked at me "You can call me Tracer, for now" she said as she left. I guess they already k ew my "hero" name after attacking then for two years. I zipped away but before I got far away I heard that noise again from the machine on her chest, huh... I can't believe what just happened.

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