You Are My Teddy Bear

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I was right.

She lives alone. She has a broken family. Before she used to live with her dad but after some years, when she graduated college, her dad passed away. She's doesn't have siblings and she doesn't know where her relatives live. Poor her.

But I was wondering..

Isn't she sad about it? Losing your very love one is very tragic. She's now all alone. How could she be happy and cheerful everyday? Does she cry all night?

She's sick for years. She needs someone to take care of her. But who will be taking care of her?

She really doesn't seem fine.

But she still smiles and cheers up our coworkers.

Is it because of mood swings?

Probably not.

After some days.....

I always walk her home so that I'll see that she'll go home safe.

It doesn't mean anything..

I'm just thinking what if she collapsed again.

What a strong and woman she is. I hope I'm as strong as her, but I'm not. Forgetting about my very love one isn't that easy.

Even though a decade has passed already. I'm still hoping for that someone to return.

Ughhh nvm. End of EMO.

We became friends right after when she was hospitalized. She's now like a younger sister to me. I always check if she's fine, cuz there's no-one who'll do it. And we also have fun. One time we ate pizza in her favorite Yaoi Cafe, and she really seems enjoying it. It was her birthday and I gave her a teddy bear.

She thanked me and told me that...

I don't need to have a teddy bear, I already have you, who always seems to be hugging me by being concern to me. You are my teddy bear.


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