Min Yoongi

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On the third last weekend of the year, we decided to go somewhere for the weekend. There wasn't really a set place, but we agreed to meet up at the bus stop near school.

We packed our bags with snacks and jackets and cameras and all the other random things you find in a high school student's bag. (eg: a button off a favourite coat, a medal just to brag and a popsicle stick that nearly won the lottery.)

I'd been one of the last ones there, since I'd gotten up late and slogged through my morning routine. Really, it was expected, but Jin still scolded me.

"Let's go to the beach!"

Jimin had said it first, and everyone just followed along, even Jungguk, the new kid, and we ended up on a desolate stretch of sand near their hometown.

The bus ride had been fun, but we'd burned a lot of energy during the first half of the two-hour trip, eating snacks and singing and laughing and talking.

For the last hour on the bus, Jin, Namjoon and I took pictures of Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungguk while they were asleep.

When we finally arrived at our destination, they woke up and became as hyperactive as usual, dragging both their bags and us out of the bus.

We spent the whole day there, building sandcastles, looking for seashells, taking pictures, and sometimes just standing there and letting the wind blow through our clothes.

Taehyung had offered to be the cameraman, since Jin, the usual cameraman, was graduating and he needed to be in as many videos and pictures as possible.

When it got dark, none of us had wanted to leave yet, so we built a fire, and told stories around it. Since Jin would be graduating that year, we all said one good thing we would miss about him.

"Your cooking is really good." Namjoon.

"You take care of all of us." Jungguk.

"You make us laugh." Hoseok.

"You're neat and clean, unlike some of us." Jimin.

"You're calm and conscientious." Me.

"You're responsible and really feel like the oldest sometimes." Taehyung.

Jin laughed, "I'll be coming on open days for the school, so be sure not to get in too much trouble!"

After that, we'd laughed and talked the night away. Jin ahd tried to tell scary stories, but we just laughed since his expression was so funny.

The fire had felt warm, the flickering light illuminating our faces. At the time, I'd felt free, loose, wild, just like that fire. I'd felt happy.

When the fire began to die down, we'd packed up, saying our goodbyes. I stayed back a while, watching the embers flicker and extinguish in the chilly morning breeze.

I sighed, pulling my jacket around me, and starting the trek to the bus stop.

That night, I'd gone home and looked through the pictures everyone had sent to the group chat. I thought about the future and what it would bring.

The next year, we went to the beach again, catching up with Jin and just playing, like we had the last time. Then, they listed things they'd miss about me, just like last year with Jin. Of course, Jin didn't take part.

"You act like you don't care but you actually do." Hoseok.

"You try your best at things you like." Namjoon.

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