Meeting Matt <3

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I'll start off by saying it was my birthday. It was the best birthday I'd ever had. Ever.

Matt Smith, a.k.a the Doctor was in town and he was doing a signing thing at a place where the filming for one of the Doctor Who episodes was going on.

Of course, as soon I heard it was happening there was no way I wasn't going. My friend and I decided to go together even though I was the only one interested. She complained the whole time saying how she didn't want to go and there would be nobody there, but I got my around her by saying it could be her birthday present to me.

It's not that I couldn't have went on my own, I'm just not one of those really confident independent people that are super happy with the way they are and can do everything themselves.

Eventually the day arrived and I was as giddy as anything. I mean, c'mon, it's Matt Smith. In the morning I got ready. I wore skinny jeans and a tank top with a red checkered shirt.

Mom drove us to the shooting and we got to watch Matt and Jenna shooting "The Name of the Doctor." Later, when they finished up we were told with a whole bunch (probably like 70 people) to line up in this little building thing and that Matt was just getting changed.

We were lining up for about Half an hour when people started to get a little pushy. My friend, being the "friend" she was got fed up and told me she was going home. At this point I was getting fed up myself and people were starting to get pretty rough with the pushing and shouting. And I was right in the middle.

I started to fell super sick and was really dizzy when they introduced Matt and opened the gate. Every single person ran in to meet him. And as usual, I got left behind.

I was far too sick to stand so I sat on a box at the wall and put my head in my hands and tried to breathe.

I didn't realise how long I was sitting there because the next thing I remember was feeling a hand on my back and a figure down next to me.

"Hey are you ok?" It was a mans voice.

"Yeah um, yeah I'm ok just give me a sec" I replied.

"Would you like to stand up?" the voice asked.

So I stood up as he steadied me. My hands in his.

Surprisingly I felt better standing so I looked up to thank the guy.

Brown locks of hair. Amazing jawline. Perfect green eyes. Matt bloody Smith.

My eyes widened as he smiled at me. I started apologising straight away.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry. I should go I'm sorry." I was basically having a panic attack on the spot.

He grabbed my shoulders. "Hey hey hey hey shhh shh its ok.... You're not going anywhere untilI'm sure you're ok."

I put my through my hair and kind of looked up at him in a 'I'm such a sad excuse for a girl' way.

He just laughed a bit and put his arm around my waist to help me into this little living room place.

We sat down on a sofa. There was no one else around. I leaned back but Matt still sat forward. He had his hand on my knee as if to still keep me steady even though I was sitting.

"Thanks." I said.

"No problem. What's your name?"


"Ok Katie, so what happened?"

I explained what happed and how my friend left me.

"Wow." He said.

"Yeah. I have a habit of picking the wrong friends." I looked down.

"oh heyyy.. I'm not that bad now am I?"

I looked up with the stupidest grin. I guessed he just said that cos he felt sorry for me but I didn't care. I was actually talking to Matt Smith.

We got talking really easily. I felt better really quickly too and It was so much fun. We just sat on the sofa and talked and laughed. We didn'teven talk about Doctor Who.

It's cheesy but we took a pile of selfies too. No decent ones of course.

It was just such a good day. One of those days where you up front able to say "that was the best day ever." I hadn't had one of those in a while.

We were sitting there quiet and content flicking through all the selfies we took when he looked at me. I felt him looking at me so I looked back.

"What?" I said smiling. He kept staring. "What??" I began to laugh.

"Do you want to go for a walk? I want to show you something."

"Yeah." I replied.

We both stood up and stretched. And we both started laughing as we stretched because Matt was making super weird noises. The window caught my eye. It was dark.

"Oh god Matt. I better get home. It's really dark. Mom will be really worried."

He seemed disappointed. "Oh ok. Um. Yeah ok. Would you like me to –"

"Um no its fine I'll walk. Its just up the road a bit. I'll be fine."

"Are you sure all I have to do is get my – "

"Its okay Matt. Anyway, we don't want to be mobbed by the paparazzi do we?"

He just laughed a bit and then walked me to the door. On my way out I turned around.

"Thank you."

He took a step closer to me and put his hands on my shoulders.

"Will you stop with the Thank yous already.? It was my pleasure." He pulled me in for a hug.

"Bye" I said as I opened the gate.

"Bye" He put his hands in his pockets and watched until I was out of sight.

'Did that really just happen?' I asked myself as I ran my hands through my hair with the biggest grin on my face.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2016 ⏰

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