Clearing up the confusion 💕

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To clear up the confusion,

I have been doing a lot of thinking for the book I crave you. Please don't feel I abandoned the story, because I didn't. I just was looking at it from every angle and perspective. I have decided to completely rewrite the whole thing. Apart from the first chapter, I will change it up entirely.

There will be some new characters, I will kick out some old ones. The plot will be changed. So much that you'll feel like you're reading a whole new book with the same main characters we all adore so much.

I know I've already changed it up so many times, but my heart just wasn't with the old plot anymore. That story was going nowhere. Believe me, I tried my best to work with the old draft. Everything felt forced and unnatural. I just ended up wasting time. But it was for the best. At least now I have a clear mind about what I want and how I want it. It was a difficult decision to make, to let go of the old version, but I had to.

I will resume posting this week.

I'm really excited for the new book. I'm extremely happy with the all the changes so far. I can't wait to post it, and for you all to read it.

I hope you are staying safe as we fight these turbulent times and the pandemic Corona. Please follow the safety guidelines. I hope this all ends soon. Praying for good health and better times.

Stay safe. Love you! ❤

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