Chapter 4

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Duncan hurried off of her and brushed himself off as Courtney awkwardly got back to her feet, picked up the books Duncan had tried to carry out to her and set them on the bed. Then she turned to him with a frightened glance, looking his genie self over "Seriously, what is wrong with you?"

The way she said it sounded harsh and Duncan didn't like it very much. "Nothing." he tried to push her away.

"You just seem kind of weak, are all genies like this?" Courtney questioned, her hands on her hips now.

"I am not weak, so don't just assume that I am!" Duncan hissed at her, his eyes narrowing.

Courtney was shooting daggers at him. "Well the way you have writhed in agony twice in front of me in the past hour, I think I have the right to assume that."

Duncan knew that she was right. He had tried to hide it but obviously failed. She just hadn't noticed the first time. When he didn't respond Courtney continued, "What kind of genie are you? You don't seem like the genie in Aladdin and-"

"Listen!" Duncan shoved his finger in her face, making her jump. "Why don't you just worry about your life and I'll worry about mine? I don't go around asking you why you are so nosy!"

Courtney kept her mouth shut. She wasn't used to having other people boss her around. Usually that was her job

"I'm only here to make your life better. You're just here for my aid. I'm not here for your aid, so just leave me alone." Duncan turned away from her. "I hate what I do."

"Well I'm so sorry for being concerned for you!" Courtney yelled at him. There were tears beginning to form at the edges of her eyes

Duncan sighed, looking back to her. He instantly felt horrible when he saw that Courtney was covering her face, trying to hold in her emotions. It almost made Duncan emotional, and he didn't even know why. He didn't even know her.

But she had made an attempt to get to know him earlier. Courtney actually seemed interested in him. Duncan wasn't familiar with any humans that used his powers that actually cared about him. And he acted horrible towards her because he just wasn't used to it. But he could never tell her what was actually happening to him, because he wasn't sure what she would do. The girl really creased him.

"Courtney..." Duncan cooed, flying down to be directly in front of her. In reaction to hearing her name she uncovered one of her eyes. It was completely bloodshot. Duncan swallowed and finished "I'm sorry."

Courtney hiccuped and used her shirt to wipe her eyes. She finally removed her hands from her face and it was a bright tinge of pink. And her lips looked puffy. Duncan felt awful for doing that to her when she was only trying to help. It just tripped him up

"I'm sorry too..." Courtney said. "For being too pushy."

"It's not your fault." Duncan told her. The color slowly drained from her face. "I'm just not used to anyone being there to look out for me, that's all."

Courtney sighed. "Well it seems that you're to look out for me as well, so why not return the favor..."

"Why don't we settle this over coffee or something?" Duncan offered. "It's just awfully tense in here right now."

She nodded. "Okay..."

Duncan squeezed his eyes shut and a second later, his tail disappeared. Courtney stared at it in bewilderment as human legs formed from stumps. It looked a little disturbing but it was fantasizing how he was able to do that.

But then he screamed and crumbled to the floor, floating through Courtney. She jumped backwards and watched him writhe in pain, wishing she knew what was happening. Or how she could help prevent this from happening to him.

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