meet Everlyn Audreyella Cullen

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Meet Everlyn

Full name: Everlyn Audreyella Cullen

Species: Vampire

Parents: Rosalie and Emmett Cullen

Birthday: January 7th 2004

Height: 5,4

Shoe size:(adult) 6

Cloths size: (adult) 8

Covern; Olympic Covern

Best friends: Renesmee Cullen and Robin Hale

Personality: self confident, helpfull, daring, fashionable

Hair color: light brown

Eye color: Gold (just pretend the pic at the start has gold eyes XD)

Home state: Forks Washington

Physical age: 15 or 16

Mental age: around 16 or 17

Powers: natrull beauty and strength (later brought into Robin and Renesmees Witchcraft group

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