First Encounter

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I had just recently moved to the small town of Riverdale. My parents had gotten transferred to the small town for work, making me get enrolled to Riverdale High. Once I had unpacked all the boxes and bags and organized into their right places, I thought it would be best to take a look around town and make myself familiar with this new home.

As I put on my shoes and throw on a plain black leather jacket, my mom walks over. "And where is my favourite little girl off too?" She pinches my cheek gently and I swat her hand away.

"Ma, what did I tell you about pinching me? And I thought I would go walk around town and get myself familiar with everything. Since we are going to be here for a while," I sigh sadly, a hint of disappointment in my eyes. She nods her head.

"Alright! But don't stay out too late. Remember you start school tomorrow!"

"I know, I know." I kiss her cheeks and head out the door.

As I walk down my pathway and onto the sidewalk, I plug in my headphones and turns on some music. The air was cool, meaning fall was just around the corner. I notice some kids running around playing with a ball and some teens riding their bikes on the streets. I smile a bit, wishing that I could go back to being 11 and not worrying about phone bills and hard lessons at school. I continue on my merry way, looking at the houses and street names to get myself familiar with this town.

After about an hour of walking, I notice a little diner called Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe. From where I was standing, I could definitely smell the food that they were cooking. Slowly making my way over, I open the doors to the Shoppe and look around. I notice how retro it looks inside. I walk over to the counter and notice a older looking man standing at the till, smiling at me.

"Well hello there! Haven't seen you before. Must be new?"

"Yeah, I just moved to Riverdale this weekend and this is finally my day where I can explore the town" I smile back at him.

"Well welcome to Pop's. The greatest burgers in town. I'm Pop. Make yourself comfortable and I'll get one of the waitresses to help you." He smiles and gets a menu and cutlery ready for me. I notice an empty booth and I go take a seat. When I sit down, I notice how the booth's seat padding makes my butt comfy. A waitress comes over with a smile, handing me the menu. I thank her and opens the menu. As I glance through the menu, I hear the little bells at the door jingle. I don't glance up, too mesmerized by the menu in front of me. Managing to figure out what I want, the waitress comes over right when I close the menu.

"Manage to decide on something?" She asks as she gets her pad and pen out.

"Yes, I'll get the Pop's burger with a side of fries and I'll try one of the strawberry milkshakes please." I smile, handing back the menu.

"Okay! It'll be a few minutes." She smiles at me.

"No worries, thank you." She nods and leaves, going to place my order in. As she walks away, I notice three people at the counter wearing leather jackets with snakes on them. I take a look over at their appearances, noticing the girl with pink hair, the spiked hair dude with a pretty face and the tall one with a tattoo on his neck that I can't quite make out. I shrug and grabs my phone, opening it and checking through social media, thanking God this diner has free wifi.

What I didn't notice, was that the tall boy was staring at me right when he came in. I was too occupied with the menu that I failed to see how he was taking my appearance in, wanting to know if I'm new or if we just never crossed paths before. I look around again and I see that when my eyes landing on the tall boy, he smirks a bit, sending me a quick wink. Truth be told, I don't know what compelled me to blush, but I could feel my cheeks go a bit red.

I glance away and looks out the window, trying to find something outside to distract my thoughts. When the bell jingles again, I look up to see the three teenagers had left. I look out the window and see them getting on their motorbikes and starting them up. I look over at the tall one and I see that he is still looking at me. He nods his head, still smirking and takes off, making me flustered, still.

After getting my food and enjoying it to the max, I get up to go pay. Pops stops me from grabbing my wallet.

"It's already paid for." He said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Well while your food was being made, a nice boy offered to pay for your meal, kind of as a 'welcome to Riverdale' gesture." He smiles and continues to wipe down the counter. I stand there a bit shocked but smiles a bit. I thank Pop for the food and heads out, going back on the trail to my place. I think about the tall boy, wondering if I will see him anytime soon. In the distance, I can hear the roars of the motorbikes, wondering if the tall boy is out there.

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