First Hello

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Monday had finally come and I was getting ready for school. I did my usual morning routine: woke up, showered, got dressed, did my make-up, then went downstairs for breakfast. I saw my parents have left for work, leaving me money for school on the table. I place the money into my wallet and puts it into my purse.

Once I'm ready for school, I make my way to my car. Turning it on, I plug in my aux cord and start blasting music. I pull out of my driveway and starts making my way to Riverdale High. I sing along to the songs that come on and I think about how my first day will go.

Once I had pulled up to the parking lot, I park my car in an available spot and I grab my purse and notebooks and makes my way into the school. I get a few glances from the students, clicking in their brains that I'm the new student in town. From my peripheral vision, I see a girl with raven black hair walk up to me with a smile. I took notice of her and I look at her.

"Hi there. My name is Veronica Lodge. And you must be new here?" She says happily, extending her hand for me to shake it.

"Hi, yeah. I'm the new kid. (Y/N) (L/N)" I take her hand and gently shakes it.

"Well, welcome to Riverdale High. Let me show you around." She turns and starts to walk away. I follow her, listening to what she says about where everything is. After she takes me to the main office where I grab my locker number, a lock, a list of my textbooks and my class schedule. Veronica takes it from me and cheers. "Yay! We got math and chemistry together. This is going to be fun." She hands me back my schedule. "Now come on. I'll show you where my friends and I hang." She starts making her way out of of the office. She starts talking about how her and her friends always hang out at the students lounge. When we enter the lounge, Veronica goes to the couches and starts introducing me. She motions to a red headed boy named Archie, a blonde with her pony tail named Betty, a boy with a beanie in the shape of a crown named Jughead and a red headed girl named Cheryl. I say hello to them and archie stands up offering me his seat. I thank him and takes the seat.

As they start talking and asking me questions about myself, we hear laughter and I look up to see the teens from the night before at Pop's. They walk in and I notice of the tall boy with the snake tattoo on his neck. He sees me and I see a smirk show upon those lips of his. The pink haired girl walks up to Cheryl and gives her a quick peck on the cheek. Cheryl greets her and scoots over for her to sit down.

Cheryl speaks up "(Y/N), this is Toni my girlfriend." I smile and greet her. "And this is Fangs" She motions to the boy who is quite shorter than the the Tall boy. "And last but not least, Sweet Pea." I look at Sweet Pea and smiles.

"Hi there. Im Sweet Pea." He puts his hand out. I take it and shakes it.

"Hi. I'm (Y/N)." I smile. We look at each other for a while, forgetting that we are still holding hands. We pull away when we hear someone clear their throats. I fix my hair and readjusts myself on the couch. I could slightly feel the tension between Archie and Sweet Pea, but I don't think much of it, all I can focus on is how he carries himself when he speaks, how his eyes are full of mystery and wonder, how well his plaid shirt is fitted on his arms, how when he glances at me, all I can see is that smirk upon his lips. I get pulled away when the school bell rings. We all get up, grabbing our backpacks. I pull out my schedule and checks to see where my first class is. I feel a towering figure leaning behind me. I turn and see Sweet Pea standing behind me.

"What class do you have?" He leans against the wall, holding onto his one backpack strap

"I got Biology first." I smile at him. "With Mrs. Whyte."

"Oh cool, me too. I can show you where class is." He stands up and starts leading me out of the student lounge.

"That would be nice." I giggle and follows him.

As we walk to class, I notice that he really doesn't say much. I bite my lip gently as I follow him through the flooded corridor of students rushing to class. I see (and feel) how people are staring and glancing at me, or maybe us?

When we get to the class, Sweet Pea lets me in first. As he takes a seat in the back, I go up to the teacher who is already writing something on the board. When I get her attention, I introduce myself and she smiles. She hands me a sheet of paper that has a schedule of what the class will be about and what textbook I would need. She welcomes me and tells me to take a seat wherever. I thank her and looks around. I see Sweet Pea waving his hand for me to come sit beside him. I giggle and makes my way over, taking a seat beside him. I pull out my notebook and a few pens. I glance over the paper that the teacher gave me and starts making a few quick notes.

As class starts, I realized that Sweet Pea isn't paying attention to class, just fooling around on his phone or doodling on his notebook. I make a mental note to make notes for him. When the teacher gives us a few minutes free time before the bell rings, I pull out my schedule to see what class I got next. Sweet Pea leans over.

"What class do you have next?"

"I got math and I believe Veronica is in my class." I look at him. I see him smile.

"Well if you'd like I can show you where the class is."

"Thanks Sweet Pea. I seriously wish they would have given me a map of the school so I wouldn't be struggling." I sigh, a bit annoyed. The bell rings and I pack up my stuff. Following Sweet Pea out of the class, we make our way to the class. I thank him again with a smile and I head inside.

The school day flies by and I'm at my locker putting away my textbooks and some stuff from my purse. I check my phone to see if anyone had texted me, sighing when I only see a text from my mom. When I shut my locker, I jump a bit, not realizing Sweet Pea was there.

"Oh hey Sweet Pea. you kind of startled me." I chuckle nervously.

"Sorry, didnt mean too. Anyways, I wanted to ask you something?" I could tell he was a bit nervous by his quiet tone and a certain gleam in his eyes.

"What's up Sweet Pea?" I lean against the lockers, giving him my full attention.

"I was just wondering, if.. You know... If..." I giggle a bit at his stuttering.

"Spill Sweets!" I giggle.

He takes a deep breath and looks at me. "I was wondering if you wanted to grab some food with me, like, now?" He bites his lip, waiting to my answer. I smile warmly and nods my head.

"Sure. Pop's?" He smiles and nods his head.

"Yeah, Pop's."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2018 ⏰

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