♡ sieben ♡

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I stood outside of the judging door with my four friends. We were all waiting, for the Judges to make their decisions. So we could find out who they chose to train. All crossing our fingers to try and see who we got. 

"Boys can you come back in?" Called someone whos voice didnt match those of the three judges who spoke to us, Xiumin didnt talk much, except that one time with me. No one else recalled him speaking at all. We looked amongst eachother and stood up.

walking in.

The fours judges were sitting at their table and we all stood in a line in order of our acts. I thought about the boy from yesterday, what if I cant see him for a really long time? The voice that called us in reminded me or his, small, sweet, and a little raspy.

"Well boys, we made our choices." said Kai, clapping his hands together. "Baekhyun, you can lead..." Kai said.

"Chanyeol! I loved your singing voice, and when you rapped! Ugh I loved you!!" Chanyeol blushed and his smile was huge, he started jumping up and down, "My IDol chOSe ME!" he yelled and fanned himself off. Baekhyun giggled and passed his mic to Sehun.

"I chose Suho, I loved his voice and I just thought he looked cute," Sehun said throwing his usual straight-gay-face. He then passed his mic to Kai. "Kyungsoo Hyung!!! Ill be seeing him next week so I dont really want it to be awkward, plus he would be a great solo artist in my opinion." he didnt even need to pass his mic everyone knew I had Xiumin, but Xiumin snatched the mic away from Kai and pulled his mask down. Face still covered by hat and sunglasses, "I chose Jongdae. I chose him from the moment he walked in the room. Everyone of you walked in her confident except for Jongdae. So that's why I chose him amongst all of you." he started, "I made my decision before the other judges had a chance." he said putting the mic down and pulling his mask back up. Everyone was shocked Baekhyun had stopped stacking his papers, Sehun was wide eyed and his mouth was agape. 

Kai looks like the rest of us, knocked out of breath.

"Thank you... so much Hyung, you are my Idol... Thank you for giving me this chance." I said close to tears while Kyungsoo placed his arm around me, Suho gripped my wrist and I winced. Two judges saw this, Xiumin and Sehun. They looked towards eachother, and Sehun nodded.



I chose Jongdae the minute he walked in. I chose him when I walked into the flower shop yesterday, I will always choose Jongdae. Some parents dont tell their kids but when you meet your soulmate, you know its them. You feel it deep inside you, but most pass it off as a small crush. You sometimes shiver when you feel it, a chill down your spine. I felt it and I saw Jongdae feel it.

Some of us aren't lucky enough to meet our soulmates, like Sehun. His soulmate was a boy named Luhan. He met him when he transferred to our high-school almost six years ago. Luhan tried out for Football, he fell and busted his ribcage, one broken rib and three clean cuts on the side. They grew out of Sehun's jersey. Luhan was fine and they began to date. One day Luhan got into a car wreck with his mom. No one survived. I was at Sehun's with Kai, we were waiting for Lu, Sehun's shirt broke open and a black rose grew out of his heart.

That's how you know they have died.

We all felt for Sehun. 

We always will, he's colder now. He used to smile a lot, he cried when he felt upset, laughed. And he no longer does. He doesn't smile often, he does it just not much.

But Jongdae was different.

(time rewind to when Xiumin told Sehun)

"I think he's the one." I sighed, "How can you be so sure? Did you feel it, Flowers? Did you see flowers? Are you bleeding? Did they come from him?" I rolled my eyes. "You know how my soulmate obviously cuts? Well yesterday I saw Jongdae's arms, when he handed me the planet his shirt came up. He has fresh cuts, some hadn't even scabbed over. he acts the same was I did when I was depressed, remember?" Sehun nodded slowly, "I really think its him... I have to work with him I need to figure it out. Please Sehun... let me do this."

love me

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