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Entries are only being accepted in the original roleplay book. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Welcome to Magic Academy! Here, we foster the bright minds of countless students aiming for greatness, and our fantastic teachers that they couldn't live without. We have a basic few ground rules for you, but we'll make them quick, so you can tour the campus.

1) Bullying and hateful comments are not accepted, ever. Roleplay or not, friends or enemies, we are an anti-bullying community here. 

2) No smut. If you want to get deep, do it in your PMs. We have innocent children here that do not want to be tainted with that experience.

3) Swearing is allowed. However, please sensor the major swear words. Not only does this get reported, which is a pain in the rear, it helps keep the campus a clean environment.

4) Wait for your character to be accepted before role playing. We don't want your character form getting buried in the comments, and next thing you know, your dorm spot with friends is stripped from your life, and you're banished from the academy.

5) Respect the headmaster. Lord Osiris is a very busy man, and tries to make things fantastic for students. If you have a problem, please tell him nicely. If you want to kill him, his assistant will most definetely kill you first.

6) Student deaths and injuries are allowed. However, please don't be a drama-sue. If you do have a medical problem, Doctor Ike would be happy to attend to you. If you have a student death, inform the headmaster at once. You can kill your OC whenever you want.

7) If nobody is roleplaying, tag either @QuintexQuota or @Rather_be_writing. We are both very active people who would love to roleplay with you!

8) Make sure your character has flaws. We don't want any overpowered heroes in here. It's simply no fun. 

9) You can have up to two OCS, more if you ask and are confirmed. For your sake, and for ours, it's tough to roleplay as more than one person, nevertheless three. 

10) Third Person Roleplay only. We want to know who you are. Even though first person allows more liberty, we'll have no way in hell to find out who you are if you randomly pop in a roleplay.

11) Please. For my sake. Check your grammar. We get it- roleplay is fast paced. However, can you stand roleplaying with someone who types like this? "Jackob welked duwn t the Halley. . He tirnd and 'hello thre Freeda!?! ' ". I thought so. Even Frida agrees.

12) When outside of roleplay, speak in brackets so others know. Otherwise, things may get a little awkward.


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