Chapter 1

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I'm that type of girl who can't wake up by my own. Every morning, my mother has to rush up to my room and wake me up. Surprisingly, on this very fine morning, I woke up by myself because of some apparent reasons.


I, then proceed to the bathroom and start getting ready. I take a really long time to get dressed up. I don't like to wear clothes that cleavages can be seen. I'm that type of girl who loves to cover up. This is because of two things..... Guys do not deserve to look at girls' private parts.

Another reason is because I have a low self-esteem. I ain't skinny nor fat, but average. My ideal type of body is actually skinny. That's right, skinny. I know people might judge by saying anorexic and all but I can eat how much I want! I'm waiting for this day to come true, but I know it won't unless I put efforts into it.

After dressing up, I head down to the dining table to have breakfast. I was smiling the whole time while I was eating. I cut the sausages into bits, munch them down slowly.

"Hey darling, I've seen you smiling all the time. You must be really happy that I've changed and put you in an international school." said my mom with a grin on her face.

I nodded and smiled. My mother really reads my mind and gets me all the time. This is why everytime when I wanna try something new which my mom doesn't allow, I'll always keep this in mind Don't, your mom knows everything, dude.

I realized I'm running late for school. I quickly kissed her on the check and carried my school bag along. I put on my shoes and walked along the roads, making my way to the bus stop. The bus has not arrived, I tapped my feet and played with my phone while checking on the bus.

The bus finally arrived.

"Please fetch me to Hogwarts International School, thank you", I proudly said to the busdriver. I've been wanting to say that I am from an international school all the time, and now I finally got to say it.

As I was estimately 1km away from my new school, my heart was throbbing and beating really fast. I played with my fingers every time when I'm worried or scared. I asked myself, "What happens when the people there dislike me?" "What if poeple there judge me?" "What if I get bullied by those people?". Those sentences kept running through my mind.

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