Chapter 13

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  The light above my eyes are blinding. I try and lift my hand up but it is weighed down. I crack my eyes open, my eyes feel dry. I smack my lips together, they are chapped and my mouth is dry.
  I turn my head to the side and see messy blond hair. I pick up my right hand and run it through his hair. Parker head shoots up and he just stares at me. I give him a small smile.
  His eyes run over my whole body. He stands up and walks to the door. I feel my heart break. He bellows down the hall," She's awake."
  He walks back in and takes my hand in his hand. I smile at out intwined fingers.
  Dad runs into the room with Mom by his side. Mom walks over to me and crushes me into a hug. I weakly hug her back. Dad walks over to me and gently hugs me. I hug him as tight as I can. When they pull back I look at all three," What happened, baby?" Parker ask, his voice gruff. Lucas walks in and stand in the back with Uncle Mark and Klean.
  I take a deep breath and try to remember," I was pissed at Parker, nothing unusual," I smile ," He had something up his ass and he was being a dick. I went into Roman's nursery to see how the prospects decorated it. When I turn on the light switch and hand wraps around my mouth, preventing me from screaming. He said he- he was supposed to take out Roman, but I would be better. He stabbed me in the leg then in- in the stomach."
  I reach down to where he stabbed me. Parker stops me from pulling up the bandage. "Baby, is that all?' I nod my head. Parker stands up and punches the brick wall. He snaps back and glares at Lucas." Dammit Dad, you said if I stayed away from her she would be safe, look at her! She is in a fucking hospital bed because of what you said, if she would have been with me and not angry she wouldn't have been stabbed."
  I reach out to him," Parker, come here, please."
  Parker turns around and walk back to me, he grasp my hand in his and moves some hair out of my face," Do you need anything?" He ask softly. A completely different person than the one talking to his father.
  I smile up at him,"Actually, water would be amazing, but that isn't why I called you over here."
  Lucas lifts from the wall and walks out of the room,saying he was going to find something fore to drink.
  I look at Parker," Hey, Parker you have to think. The club didn't know someone was in Roman's nursery. If we wouldn't have been arguing we would have went to his nursery and layed him down to sleep.
  We wouldn't have suspected anything wrong until we came in the next morning or the middle of the night and found him dead.
  I at least had a better chance at surviving a stab wound then he would have. I want you to stop blaming your father, because his decision saved our son."
   Parker has unshed tears in his eyes,"I almost lost you, Angel. Th-the doctor said that if the wound in your leg would have been half a centimeter over that we could possibly be putting you in the ground. It was so close to your femoral artery. We-we think that was what he was trying to hit."
  I lift my hand and set it in his jaw," But, he didn't, I am still here."
  He leans down and kisses me gently on the lips. I smile when we hear a clearing of a throat. Parker pulls back and sits in a chair pulled close to my bed.
  I look at Dad, being the one to clear his throat. I smile and he unwraps his arms from around Mom and walks over to me. He leans down and gently kisses my forehead.
  Lucas walks back in the room with a doctor holding a jug of water. I smile as he pours a small cup of water for me.
  Parker watches the doctor as I finish off my second glass of water. The doctor, with no hair on the top of his head and thinning on the sides looks at me," Do you know who stabbed you, Ma'am?"
  I shake my head no," He attacked from  behind."
  The Doctor glances at Parker them back at me," On a scale one through ten how bad are you in pain?"
  I look at the cieling and thing," A solid six." I say.
  Parker begins to rub his hand up and down my arm. I smile at him. "I'll administer some pain reliver and sleep aid." He walks out of the room for a moment then walks back inside. He walks up to my IV and takes my hand sticking the needle in and slowly letting the medicine seep into my vains.
  I give him a smile as he leaves. Parker is still holding my hand. I squeeze his lightly. Mom and Dad go to the cafeteria to get everyone some food.
  I roll on my side as soon as my parents leave and Pat the bed," Baby, come lay down with me." I say. He gives me a small smile as he stands up and lowers the bed rails and slips in beside me. He pulls me close, pressing my face into his chest.
  I take a deep breath," I love you, Parker." I mumble into his chest. He pulls me closer to him. He doesn't say anything and I pull face from his chest. He is looking down at me. I bite my lip and watch as Parker leans down and kisses my forehead," Go to sleep, baby. I want you to get better."
  I sigh and close my eyes. I breathe in the scent of Parker. I smile and move as close as I can to him before I drift off.

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