Chapter 18

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   I look down at Harmony, it was the first time I met her. Mom had told me what happened to the poor girl, no child should go through that type of beating.  She looked so fragile. Mom and Dad were able to adopt her within three months of telling us.
  Harmony stood shaking in the middle of the room. I look at Mom who walked up to her slowly, giving her a small smile," Harmony this is your sister Angel. She is excited to meet you. They man beside her is Parker, her fiance."
   Harmony glances up at me. Parker lightly squeezes my hand, giving me his support. I walk over to her slowly and sit in the ground. This way she wouldn't see me as a threat.
  Her brown hair is in her face, but you could see her staring at Parker. Those blue eyes are wide with fear. I look back at Parker, motioning for him to move back.
  He moves back quickly, making Harmony jump. I give her a small smile," Harmony, Parker will never hurt you. Will you let him come sit beside me. He is very important to me. I hope one day he will be important to you as well."
   She glances at Parker then back at me. Parker fiver her a smile. She shuffles her feet giving us a slight nod of her head. Parker moves slowly, sitting in front of her, beside me."Hey, Sweetheart, welcome to the family. You have beautiful eyes."
  She glances at him," Thank you."
  Parker looks at me," Did you hear that amazing voice, Darling?"
   I watch as a small smile graces her lips. I feel myself fall more in live with Parker. "Is everyone treating you right?" I ask.
   She nods her head," Everyone is large and scary though." She says just above a whisper.
  Parker's sits up straighter looking her in the eyes," They may look scary, Sweetheart, but I can promise you that they would all protect you with everything they have. You will never be hurt again, the way you were. I can promise you that."
  Parker face is serious, a tear rolls down her face and she runs into Parker's body. Her small arms wrap around his neck, he hugs her back, just holding her. She cries into his neck, he lightly strokes her hair.
  I look at Mom and Dad, both with tears in their eyes. We wish we could take the fear away from her, but we know she will never be hurt again.

One Year Later

I look at the door to the back yard of The House. Harmony giggled when Dad picked her up. She had came a long way. The only thing that we all worry about still is her nightmares. She doesn't sleep more then a few house a night, until her body forces her to sleep for a full day.
   Dad looked akward in his black suit. He kept messing with his tye. Mom walks up to him, placing a kiss on his cheek," Don't wrinkle your suit, Big Guy."
  He groans, glancing at the clock in the wall. We had about two minutes before Harmony walks down the isle to throw the flowers. Dad was walking me down the isle. Mom was going to hold my train.
  We decided to just do a small wedding with only the bikers. Lucas with officiate the wedding, having just got certified yesterday.
  I give Dad a small smile, then Harmony walked out throwing flowers for me to walk over. She smiled the whole way, stopping to give Uncle Mark a kiss on the cheek. She really got attached to him after they had a Disney marathon one night. We had found them on the couch. Uncle Mark had helped her back to sleep after her nightmare.
   Sure finished walking down the isle stopping. Then came Uncle Klean carrying Roman down the isle, who was holding the rings that would bind Parker and I together.
  Dad holds out his arm when the first cords of the bride march begins to play. I give him a nervous smile, picking up the bottom of my white dress.
  Dad walks me down the isle. When he get to the end the Lucas says loud and clear," Who gives this women away?"
  Dad blinks his eyes a few times, then looks back at Mom. I watch as he swallows hard, giving me a small smiles," Her mother and I, do."
  I watch as a tear rolls down Dad's face. I reach up and wipe it away. "I love you Dad." I whisper to him.
  Dad grabs my hand," I love you too, Sweetheart. But, in a moment someone else will be the man in your life. I may be giving you away, but you will always belong to me first. You will always be able to count on me."
  I wipe the tears from my eyes. Dad takes my hand and sets it in Parker's, who was waiting patiently."Parker, I give you one of the most precious gifts to me. I expect you to treat her with the same love and care I have treated her with." Dad's voice begins to break at the end.
  Parker nods his head," I will, Sir."
   Dad kisses my cheek one last time before turning away, grabbing Mom's hand. He leads them to their seats.
  I look at Parker and smile up at him," You look amazing, Darling."
  I look at his black suit with his grey tye," You look handsome."
   Lucas clears his throat," I am going to skip the boring stuff. First, does any object?"
  We look back and no one moves, Roman squeals in joy. It brings a smile to Parks and my face.
  Lucas continues," Do you take Parker to be your husband?"
   "I do."
  "Do you take Angel to be your wife? If you don't say yes, then I will."
  I smile at his joke," I do." Parker barks out.
"Do you both promise to love, honor, protect, be faithful to, and  take care of each other no matter what?"
  We both chorus," I do."
  Lucas smiles," Then it is now my please to pronounce you husband and wife. You can now-"
   Lucas is cut off by Parker bending me back and planting a deep kiss on my lips. I pull back and smile at my husband and this perfect day. I glance over and see my Dad with Harmony on his lap. Mom was holding his hand, wiping tears from her eyes. This was one of many happy days to come.

This is the end of Angel's and Parker's story. But you will see them in Harmony's story in Wolf.  I am about to upload the first couple of Chapters.

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