Chapter 1 : A book ?

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The brunette stood up from her now uncomfortable sitting position she gave a long sigh and tried to stifle a yawn that threatened to escape her lips. As she strolled back to her room she gazed around the house she was currently occupying along with her parents she had to admit being an only child was quite lonely and as she liked to describe it quite boring, not that being an only child doesn't have its perks .... But seriously being a witch and not being allowed to use magic until your of age is just pure and utter nonsense and its not like her parents don't know about the wizarding world and magic. She got to the door of her room and turned the door knob she shuffled over to her bed and threw herself onto it face first. " I'm so bored " she mumbled into her pillow, it was one of those days where her parents were at work and she was left home alone, nothing but her books and a diary to keep her company.... Wait diary ... diary. Something clicked in her mind she jolted up ruffling her blankets in the process while all at the same time falling of her bed, she groaned as she stood up and mentally scolded herself to be more careful next time or she would fall right in front of
Ron who would constantly remind and mock her for as long as she lived, or the twins who would make jokes about it or even worse Harry....she knew he wouldn't do anything in particular but it would just be as embarrassing right ? she thought as she dusted off her clothes and fixed her bed, she then grabbed the diary, ink and a quill, she settled herself on her small study desk ,opened up her ink ,it was rose scented, she took a long, strained whiff of it , even though she wasn't really fond of roses but she was quite fond of the person who had gifted it to her on one particular Hogsmead trip and NO it was definitely not Ron but a Weasley (still not Ron )... yes, but the prankster had given it to her explaining it was a present from Harry but he couldn't give it to her because he didn't get his permission slip for the trip signed so he had asked Fred to do it or maybe George it could have been either anyway. Hermione had reluctantly and cautiously accepted it still thinking it might have been a prank but to her surprise it wasn't, so she had gingerly thanked Fred or George, who she could tell was quite agitated and she had heard him mutter to himself something like " Harry is a prat , he has an invisibility cloak for a bloody reason but yet he chooses to use me as an 'owl ' stupid unpaid labour." Yeah something like that. She dipped the tip of her quill in the ink and opened the first page and her name was already there in gold details so she turned to the next completely blank page, like her mind as she gazed at the page what would she write exactly, she had never owned a 'diary' or anything close to that,so she wrote the first thing that came to her mind ....

'Dear Diary. 30 July
So hi, yeah I'm greeting a diary, this is actually my first time even owning one, you... I mean its actually a gift from my dearest mommy, the reason behind it still seems to remain a mystery to me but she claims to say as I'm now a teenager ( I have been for the past two years three now that I'm turning 15) I have to express my emotions in a way especially since she thinks I'm 'in love' weird right? and with whom I still remain oblivious so yes that is how I ended up talking to a book? Anyway never mind that more to important things tomorrow is HARRY's birthday, I really miss him as a friend of course and I can't wait to see him again. He really is cute, ....wait what? I didn't just say ..., I mean wright that, yes he is nice but cute is a bit too much don't you think ? Who am I kidding a book can't think unless its magical , but we wouldn't want another second year repeat so I think its best you are a muggle diary.

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