Chapter sixteen

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     Chresanto's viewpoint-

"Jacob.."I spoke as I sat on the bed. "Yes."Jacob said as he put on a shirt. "Do you ever think" I ask. I know we're young but I want to this more official. I want a family, Like Louis and Harry They have two boys and a girl. Zayn and Liam have a baby boy. Niall and Justin have twins. Craig and Ray have kids too. "Yes, You went over Louis and Harry's place didn't ?" Jacob asks "Yes. " Jacob sat next to me laying my head in his lap. "I want kids when we know we can take care of them, Financially." Jacob played with my curls. "Louis, Harry, Liam, Zayn, Niall, Justin even ray and prod. Are Twenty and older and have good jobs." I nodded slowly. Jacob does have a good point. Plus, I still live with my parents. "If we did adopt.." I smiled. "I want a Son first then a daughter." I nodded and stared at the floor as Jacob laid back. I'm going to have another son. "Are you still mad about what happened at dinner?" Jacob laughed. "No, I just won't be talking to my parents anymore." I sighed and sat up. "You can't stay mad all you life. Their your parents." I say. "You aren't  homophobic to your own child." I shook my head and laid next to Jacob. "Can we go see Louis and Harry...please?" Jacob turned and gave me a straight face. "Please..." I begged. "Why not." Jacob said. "YAY!"

I placed on my socks and shoes and grabbed my car keys and phone. "Jacob baby come on." I say. "Don't rush."He says as he comes downstairs. "Mom, I'm going to Lou and haz's." My mom comes out the kitchen with her newspaper. "Have fun." I nodded and open the door allow Jacob to take the led. I hand him the keys and walk to the passenger side. 

»»»(means I'm fast forwarding)

"So great to have you two over." Harry smiles as he gives us a hug. "So, where is that adorable baby girl I've been hearing about?" Jacob asks. "Right here." Louis says as he walks to Jacob holding the baby. the baby was definitely adorable. Her blue eyes and light brown hair. Beautiful. I stood behind Jacob and softly touched the baby's hair. "What's her name?" Jacob asks. "Lana Anna Tomlinson." Harry smiles softly. "She's beautiful." I say as I make quick eye contact with Louis and Harry. "Thank you." Louis says. "where are the boys?" I ask. "oh, sleeping the night away." Harry said. "She fell asleep."Jacob says. "I'll put her too bed." Harry says as he began to grab Lana. "C-could I do it?" Jacob asks. Harry nods and they walk upstairs. Louis and I sit down and talk. " bring up adopting to Jacob." Louis asks as he hands me a beer. "Yes, He says it would be better if we had jobs first." I say as I take a sip of my beer. "The police station needs a new officer." Louis smiles. "Does it pay good?" I ask. "They need a Monday through Friday eight til' Nine. Saturday and Sunday Nine til' Six. Pays Twenty dollars an hour. " I nearly shocked on my beer. "That's One thousand six hundred and forty a week." I say. "You want me to fill your application?" Louis asks. "definitely!" I smile. "We're going out to the pool." Harry says as him and Jacob walk down the stairs.

Jacob's Viewpoint-

   "I just want someone to have and hold. someone who depends on me." I said. "Be grateful Louis and I had to hide for five years." he says. "You're right." I say. "I need to get out more." I smile. "double date?" Harry smiles. "ew, no I want to go alone." I spoke. "if chresanto can I can too." Harry nodded and drank on his wine. "this wine is good, what type is this?" I ask. "Concentrated White wine." Harry says. this is good. not like regular wine, this is easier to drink.

     "Baby, you ready to go?" chresanto asks. "talk to you soon." I say as I hug Harry. "you too." I walk to the car."Did you enjoy your time?" Chres' asks as he starts the car. "M' Yeah." I say softly. " Baby, I know you want a child I promise we'll have one, one day." He says as he grabs my hand. "OK." I say as I look out the window. 

Once we arrive at the house I get out and walk into the house since I have my own key. I walk upstairs to his bedroom and sit on the bed taking my shoes and clothes off laying in boxers. "Baby, I promise." Chres' says as he walks in closing the door. "But if it were you first born child you would be breaking your damn neck to hold him! Dammit Chres'! That's all i fucking want is a child! Your not the only damn one who would like to play fucking football with their son! All i want is someone eles to give my love and time too!" My eyes stung as the tears fell faster, The room grew silent. As I began to feel remorse about what I just said. " C-chres.. I-i.. d-didn't.." Unable to speak I  got up and walk to Chres'. He stood in the middle of the room looking at the floor. "I didn't mean it.." I said. Chresanto looked up at me with tears in his eyes. " I-i s-" Chresanto wrapped his arms around me and buried his face into my neck. "I understand." He says as his voice breaks slowly. "I'm sorry.." He cried. His tears falling down my neck and I wrap my arms around his torso. I didn't mean it..

Another short, quick update. VOTE, COMMENT ETC

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