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"Once when I went to Red Robin with two of my friends we were sitting close to some kids, and one of my friends was eager to see how old they were, so we ended up going to the same movie theaters on accident afterwards as them. We asked them their ages and they were 11, so after the movie we ran around the whole theater at like 10:00 at night trying to find them. Then my friends wanted to go to two different places and since I didn't care they started to pull my hair in two different directions to go with one of them, and like I said I didn't care but they soon let go. My friends went to the bathroom 4 times from drinking all of her slurpie and half of mine. There were a bunch of people smoking and we were afraid we were going to get raped, so we ran off to target and pushed each other around in the parking lot in a shopping cart. One of my friend almost pushed me in the road. OH AND SHE JAY WALKED! We we are literally rebels..no lie! (Idek)"




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