Chapter Two

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***In Chapter One, Rachel Ware, comes face-to-face with the crazed woman who stabbed her and the cheating pastor who lied, which set the events that transpired into motion. She refuses to sit around and wait for Jesus to punish them for their sins. She will exact revenge herself and karma is going to be a straight bitch!

Chapter Two

Back at home, I take the Rolex watch out of my pocket and wonder what to do with it. I could pawn it, but I don't want it to be traced back to me if Donny ever finds out it's missing. It won't be traced back to me if somebody else sells it.

I finally have a reason to contact Tyrone. I send him a text and ask him if he can come over. In less than two minutes, his thirsty ass is knocking on my door.

"Good morning, beautiful."

"You don't have to say that corny shit every time you see me. Come in. I want to show you something."

"I'm finally gonna get to see your titties?"

"Hell, no, nigga. Is sex all you ever think about?" I snap.

"Yeah, pretty much, sex and money," he says.

"Well, now you're talking. You can forget about the sex, but I have a way you can make some money." I hold up the Rolex watch. "I just found this when I went to the mall. It was lying in the parking space next to mine."

"That's a Rolex," he says, reaching out for the watch. I give it to him so he can inspect it. He lets out a whistle. "I know my watches and this is a very expensive motherfucker."

"How expensive?"

"This motherfucker will sell for a good $5,000 to $6,000 because it's used. This bitch is sweet, though."

"Well, get whatever they pay you for it. You can have it."

His eyes widen. "You giving me a Rolex watch and you don't want nothing in return? What's really up?"

"Nothing." I shrug. "Like I said, I found it in the parking lot at the mall. I can't wear it."

"But you can pawn it and keep the money."

"What the fuck I look like going into a pawn shop?"

"I'll pawn this bitch for you," he says.

"I just told you that you can have it. I don't need the money."

"Rachel, you work at Red Lobster. I know you ain't rich, so stop acting all bourgeois. Everybody can use a little extra money every now and then. How about this; I'll pawn this watch for you and we'll just split the money in half."

"Okay. That's cool." I already have his dumb ass pegged. Of course he'll pawn it for me, and I hadn't even had to ask him to do it.

"We can go to Value Pawn right now if you want, if you're not busy," he adds, looking around my place. "I see you keep it clean in here, no roaches or piles of laundry laying around."

"What type of dirty bitches do you be fucking with? Of course I don't have roaches. That's nasty. And no, I don't have any plans. I was just gonna watch Snapped reruns all day."

"Your ass need to stop watching that shit. That's probably why you so mean and crazy-acting. Watch some Charles Stanley or some shit like that. Get your mind on Jesus."

"Who the fuck is Charles Stanley?"

"That old ass boring white pastor from In Touch Ministries."

"Fuck that. I wouldn't be caught dead watching no shit like that. Besides, I like shows like Snapped and The First 48."

"All right. Keep watching that shit and end up being in a starring role."

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